A bit after (OK, a lot after

) the event but a lack of free time this week has delayed posting details of last Sunday's GWID 2012 until today. And seeing as I've gone to so much trouble to sort some pictures you're getting them now, whether you want to see them or not

We made the most of last weekend's great weather and spent Saturday afternoon touring around the region. Most notable roads were the A361, and the B4000, B4001, B4507, B4508 through the Lambourn Downs. According to the road signs we were riding through the 'Valley of the Race Horse', we didn't see any race horses but we did see some beautiful countryside on pretty much traffic free roads.
Lambourn Downs, near the White Horse.....

The Steam museum itself is well worth a visit, it has great facilities and is the perfect place to hold an event. We managed to meet up with Steve (coopersaucepipe) and had a chat about his local roads, it seems we'd been on most of the best ones.

Assorted Italian motos.....

This original condition V7 Sport has covered 180,000 km (112,000 miles)

Assorted Italian autos....

Chris & Jane Jessop
Founders of UKBEG April 1998