I gave up the idea of importing a PitBull, after all, if I remove one arm and one leg to pay for it I probably wouldn't be able to get the bike on the stand let alone ride it.
Hours of Googling came up with a Biketek or a MotoGP Headstand MGPSTD06
http://www.paddockstandsdirect.co.uk/front-paddock-stands/premium-1pc-paddock-stand-headstand/prod_71.phpBut, instead of buying on on the 'net I walked 100 yards down the road to my nearest shop which happens to be Bikers
http://www.bikerssouthampton.co.uk/index.php and asked them. They suggested the MotoGP so I ordered it, and collected it the following afternoon.
My thought for the day: Instead of doing everything on the internet (including porn) go to a shop and ask the professionals
And here is the bike on the stand. Note: I had to remove the front fender to put it on the stand but as I was taking the wheels off I didn't care (I think I'll take a couple of mill off the pin so I can lift it without removing the fender).