UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

Zero Gravity Extended Windscreen
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Author:  antgtv [ 07 Jun 2012 15:33 ]
Post subject:  Zero Gravity Extended Windscreen

Zero Gravity Buell Lightning XB9S/CityX XB9SX and Lightning XB12S / cg / Ss / TT – Sport Touring extended windscreen

I have a Zero Gravity Sport Touring Series™ windscreen for a Buell Lightning (XB9S/XB12S and variants of) that I no longer need as my Buell is soon to be collected in a van and taken to Germany.

These windscreens are designed to maximize your riding pleasure with superior optics, fit and finish, and wind protection. Sport Touring Series™ screens feature a unique design to reduce the windblast on the rider and provide more comfort while in the upright riding position.

Sport Touring Series™ are pre-drilled to factory specs and can be used with the O.E.M. nuts/fasteners already fitted to the bike. This one is in the Light Smoke colour which is very close to the Buell grey/black.

Being substantially taller than the original item, it seriously reduces the wind buffeting generated on these bikes and very noticeable as you pass 60mph making longer distance rides much more comfortable.

It is a used item, but very lightly used and it shows with the superb condition it is in. It even has the original stickers on it.

I’m not sure if these are available here or if you still have to get them from America. A great modification to the Buell that improves both the usability of the bike and the appearance of it.

Putting it on eBay if anyone is interested?

I have a few other bits I will be putting up too over the next couple of days: a cover, Bagster leather tank protector and a large capacity bag that locks into it, a medium sized Furygan jacket, some Kevlar lined and padded chinos, Furygan paddock boots (size 9), all lightly/hardly used (talking 5 times or less each!).

DSC01166.JPG [ 1.31 MiB | Viewed 317 times ]

Author:  MLC [ 07 Jun 2012 19:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: Zero Gravity Extended Windscreen

I'm interested, how much for the screen?

Author:  cooter [ 07 Jun 2012 19:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Zero Gravity Extended Windscreen

You don't look like you've got size 9 feet

Author:  antgtv [ 09 Jun 2012 16:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Zero Gravity Extended Windscreen

Haha, I wear them big with an extra pair of socks.

Not really sure what it is worth so eBay is probably the best way to sell it. Sold the bike on there this week within a couple of minutes of the advert going live!

Author:  antgtv [ 10 Jun 2012 23:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: Zero Gravity Extended Windscreen

Auction is live for those who are interested. Starting at 99p, do I hear 99p anywhere.... ... _500wt_990

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