UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

XB12Ss For Sale - 2007 M/Y - As new low/no miles!
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Author:  DoctorDee [ 26 Jun 2012 15:00 ]
Post subject:  XB12Ss For Sale - 2007 M/Y - As new low/no miles!

For sale - as new Buell XB12Ss. Bought on a whim, and rarely used.

2008 model pre-registered by Harley Davidson Manchester. I bought it from them in April 2009 with zero miles on the clock. Three years later, It's done fewer than 500 miles and in pretty much new condition.
Just MOTed, and taxed until end November.

Your chance to own an effectively new, unmodified and unused version of this much loved bike.

Hell, I love it myself, but I'm a very keen mountain biker - and I ride 10-12 hours a week, plus i work long hours, which leaves little time for riding this. Plus the Mrs won't go on the back.

I'd like to keep it - but what's the point if I'm not riding it? It just costs me money to insure, and makes it harder to get the car in the garage.

£5,500 ono

P/M me if interested.

XB12.jpg [ 528.09 KiB | Viewed 995 times ]

Author:  gunter [ 26 Jun 2012 15:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: XB12Ss For Sale - 2008 - As new low/no miles!

Cam cover looks more like a pre-2008 model (which is an advantage IMNSHO).

Author:  DoctorDee [ 26 Jun 2012 15:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: XB12Ss For Sale - 2008 - As new low/no miles!

gunter wrote:
Cam cover looks more like a pre-2008 model (which is an advantage IMNSHO).

Thanks for the head up on that!

Just checking on and it's a 2007 by the look of it. Not terribly happy since HDMan sold it me as a 2008, and if I had known it was two years old I'd have pushed for a bigger discount.

Forgive my ignorance - Why is that an advantage?

Author:  pash [ 26 Jun 2012 15:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: XB12Ss For Sale - 2008 - As new low/no miles!


Author:  DoctorDee [ 26 Jun 2012 21:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: XB12Ss For Sale - 2008 - As new low/no miles!

OK, checked the chassis plate - and this is NOT a 2008, it was manufactured April 2007.

Sorry for any confusion. If I could edit the title I would.


Author:  kevmean [ 26 Jun 2012 21:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: XB12Ss For Sale - 2008 - As new low/no miles!

DoctorDee wrote:
OK, checked the chassis plate - and this is NOT a 2008, it was manufactured April 2007.

Sorry for any confusion. If I could edit the title I would.


Doc ..... the manufacture date also has nothing to do with the model year ........yours is a 2007 model but 2008 models would have still been manufactured in 2007 ;)
But it's not all bad because in some respect the 2007 models were better due to bigger exhaust headers and less emmission restrictions tend to run smoother ....oh and more powerful than the later model ;)

Author:  DoctorDee [ 07 Jul 2012 13:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: XB12Ss For Sale - 2007 M/Y - As new low/no miles!

Now Sold! Thank you for looking.

Author:  Nutah [ 07 Jul 2012 19:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: XB12Ss For Sale - 2007 M/Y - As new low/no miles!

German buyer :?:

Author:  cooter [ 07 Jul 2012 23:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: XB12Ss For Sale - 2008 - As new low/no miles!

pash wrote:

Is better

Author:  Lucky [ 08 Jul 2012 07:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: XB12Ss For Sale - 2007 M/Y - As new low/no miles!

Nutah wrote:
German buyer :?:

They are not known to let the grass grow beneath their feet!

Author:  Ash [ 08 Jul 2012 18:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: XB12Ss For Sale - 2007 M/Y - As new low/no miles!

They have their towels already down on the UK Buell market lOl

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