ok, my Buell xb12r is making horrible clanking bilge pump type noises, ive spent too much time , energy, money, etc etc on it to give a feck about it any more.. So it
IS going. it just passed the mot , has 2 v good tyres on it, just changed primary, engine oil, filters. etc. new pads front and rear, has very dark tinted zero gravity front screen, spare orange wheel .(front one on bike is powder coated black. carbon fibre rear hugger, one screw hole slightly damaged (no biggie)..i have original screen spare also, plus a very minimally used disc for front i bought, still unwrapped in its delivery bubble wrap. a remus powerizer used also (boxed and instructions).. Bike is red in colour. not sure if this is a spare or repair option!.. either way im looking for sensible offers. all other parts of bike are fine ... pm me with offers or questions etc.. can email u pics on request.. If no joy here then Ebay it will go on . cheers all . yours mr pissed...

oh one header pipe has dent /scrape not replaced from several years back..