UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

x1 alloy polished swingarm
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Author:  tubbs [ 26 Apr 2010 20:43 ]
Post subject:  x1 alloy polished swingarm

x1 alloy polished swingarm. off my last s1 but no axle or bearings.
has a small amount of chain chatter on the top, but will be repolished.
offers not food im on a diet. lost 3 stone i will have you know.

Author:  restone [ 03 May 2010 21:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: x1 alloy polished swingarm

Im looking for a polished one of these for my S1W. How hard is it to get the other bits, does maz stock them ? and how much do you want for it and all that postage malarky?

Let us Know
Rich Stone

Author:  tubbs [ 03 May 2010 21:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: x1 alloy polished swingarm

restone wrote:
Im looking for a polished one of these for my S1W. How hard is it to get the other bits, does maz stock them ? and how much do you want for it and all that postage malarky?

Let us Know
Rich Stone

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