UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

Head light guard, half lower fender and beak for ully.
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Author:  weecorey [ 12 May 2012 22:01 ]
Post subject:  Head light guard, half lower fender and beak for ully.

Has anyone got or know where can I get a headlight guard/grill, half lower fender and beak for my XB12XT? Want it to look like the 1st Ulysses. Thanks in advance.

Author:  weecorey [ 21 May 2012 23:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Head light guard, half lower fender and beak for ully.

Nothing :shock:

Author:  pash [ 22 May 2012 05:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Head light guard, half lower fender and beak for ully.

How about Black Bear?

Author:  daywalker [ 23 May 2012 10:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Head light guard, half lower fender and beak for ully.

Frighteningly expensive new £300+ without fixings as I recall I think it would have been cheaper to get aftermarket carbon fibre. I got lucky and paid £100 for a set from someone making a ULY into an XT when I was aftersome for my SX. Unfortunately I sold the set on ebay for about £50 years ago.

Author:  weecorey [ 23 May 2012 21:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Head light guard, half lower fender and beak for ully.

daywalker wrote:
Frighteningly expensive new £300+ without fixings as I recall I think it would have been cheaper to get aftermarket carbon fibre. I got lucky and paid £100 for a set from someone making a ULY into an XT when I was aftersome for my SX. Unfortunately I sold the set on ebay for about £50 years ago.

:o Really? Managed to track down a couple of part numbers upper fender $60 and grille $35 new. Couldn't find the lower half fender.

A forum member from Germany has pm'd and said he has all 3 :D I'm awaiting photos and a description on condition so hopefully sorted. :yup:

Author:  daywalker [ 23 May 2012 21:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Head light guard, half lower fender and beak for ully.

It was the lower bits that were expensive. I was asking when the Uly had only been out a year or so.

How did the racing go?

Author:  weecorey [ 23 May 2012 22:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Head light guard, half lower fender and beak for ully.

daywalker wrote:
It was the lower bits that were expensive. I was asking when the Uly had only been out a year or so.

How did the racing go?

Thats probibly why I couldn't find them then!

Crap :oooops: Like a teenager in the playboy mansion, got to excited and ran on at two corners so just came in rather than come off. I have never been as disapointed in all my life, I only started racing to do the NW200 and I blew it :headbang: Race conditions weren't great, wet and dry, I loved Tuesdays practice in the dry though.

Promised the Mrs that I would quit after it but I dont feel that I really done it so I think I'll be back again next year all being well. Collected the XT on Sunday love it so far, not sure on the tyres though.

Author:  weecorey [ 17 Jun 2012 21:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Head light guard, half lower fender and beak for ully.

Sorted with the Headlight guard, Unfortunitly Dirty Harry didn't have the complete lower fender so still after the upper beak and 3 piece lower :|

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