UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

I want a burnt-out 1125 stator...
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Author:  drzsimon [ 21 Feb 2016 17:34 ]
Post subject:  I want a burnt-out 1125 stator...

Strange request I know, but I'm having my doubts that the 08 one is bunging enough charge into the battery. I've heard that the 08 stator needs an 08 ecm, whether that explains why mine never charges above 12.9v (on the display) of my 09 CR or if it's just tired I don't know. But, I'd rather have an 09 one in there so if anyone's got a burnt out one they want to sell, I'm your man.


Author:  pash [ 21 Feb 2016 20:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: I want a burnt-out 1125 stator...

Thought you burned one out yourself once...

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