UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

Advice on mirrors and one piece waterproofs.
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Author:  garrycane [ 16 Aug 2017 20:04 ]
Post subject:  Advice on mirrors and one piece waterproofs.

1. Looking to replace stock lollipops on my two XB12Xs, don't want bar end jobs but lower profile, easy to find and easy to fit. Recommendations please..
+ Going on a winter tour in November my 2 piece is starting to leak, especially round the bollocks. Looking to buy a one piece. Recommendations please..

Author:  TOPGUMM [ 16 Aug 2017 21:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Advice on mirrors and one piece waterproofs. ... g-22-p.jpg
Obviously colour is your own choice.
Dont go near a mirror.

Author:  Adam [ 17 Aug 2017 11:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Advice on mirrors and one piece waterproofs.

My Alpinestars one piece is waterproof and easy to put on, packs small as well. I have bar end mirrors on all my bikes.

Author:  pash [ 17 Aug 2017 11:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Advice on mirrors and one piece waterproofs.

I've got Rukka stuff bought at the NEC bike show from Infinity for much less than RRP.

I have a selection of different mirrors but following in Adam's footsteps, I like my bar end mirrors...

Author:  Bonzo [ 17 Aug 2017 12:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Advice on mirrors and one piece waterproofs.

:yt: about bar end mirrors, but I prefer this type, for filtering through traffic (not because they're cheap, but as well as):

Can't offer any good advice about waterproofs, I've usually got damp elbows and a damp crotch :ill:

Author:  pash [ 17 Aug 2017 12:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: Advice on mirrors and one piece waterproofs.

pash wrote:
I've got Rukka stuff bought at the NEC bike show from Infinity for much less than RRP.

I have a selection of different mirrors but following in Adam's footsteps, I like my bar end mirrors...

If you look carefully you can find them for £7.99...

Author:  garrycane [ 17 Aug 2017 18:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Advice on mirrors and one piece waterproofs.

Thanks for all the replies..... In the end I went for the lime green mankini

Quick joke - Why have all the guys in Wales started to wear kilts?... Because the sheep have got used to the sound of zips. :rotfl:

Author:  TOPGUMM [ 17 Aug 2017 19:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Advice on mirrors and one piece waterproofs.

Ear defenders work :twisted:

Author:  Adam [ 17 Aug 2017 23:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: Advice on mirrors and one piece waterproofs.

pash wrote:
I've got Rukka stuff bought at the NEC bike show from Infinity for much less than RRP.

I have a selection of different mirrors but following in Adam's footsteps, I like my bar end mirrors...

Got them on the Husqvarna, upside down and turned in. Work a treat😎

Author:  Adam [ 17 Aug 2017 23:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Advice on mirrors and one piece waterproofs.

Bonzo wrote:
:yt: about bar end mirrors, but I prefer this type, for filtering through traffic (not because they're cheap, but as well as):

Can't offer any good advice about waterproofs, I've usually got damp elbows and a damp crotch :ill:

I use those on the X1 and Duc. I like using a masonry Rawlbolt to make them secure in stead of what they're supplied with.

Author:  Nutah [ 18 Aug 2017 16:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Advice on mirrors and one piece waterproofs.

Adam wrote:
pash wrote:
I've got Rukka stuff bought at the NEC bike show from Infinity for much less than RRP.

I have a selection of different mirrors but following in Adam's footsteps, I like my bar end mirrors...

Got them on the Husqvarna, upside down and turned in. Work a treat😎

are you talking about the sheep... or the mirrors Adam ?

Author:  Adam [ 18 Aug 2017 17:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: Advice on mirrors and one piece waterproofs.


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