UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

High Torque Starter Motor Wanted. Tuber
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Author:  Lissy [ 03 Mar 2019 16:33 ]
Post subject:  High Torque Starter Motor Wanted. Tuber

Hi, has anyone got a newish High Torque starter motor for a Sportster engined Buell?

Are some better than others?


Author:  TOPGUMM [ 03 Mar 2019 18:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: High Torque Starter Motor Wanted. Tuber

You can rebuild them if knackered. Normal ones seem good enough if the battery`s strong.

Author:  Maz [ 03 Mar 2019 18:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: High Torque Starter Motor Wanted. Tuber


Author:  Jazzbutcher [ 03 Mar 2019 23:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: High Torque Starter Motor Wanted. Tuber

I think you may find it's a high crank battery you're looking for rather than starter motor although rebuilding will help.

Tanya batteries in Wales, haven't checked them lately but I had a battery from them called "Enduroline", it was 12 v 14ah & had 10 or 15 more cranking amps than most of the others I looked at, and it was cheap £50 ish. It spun my old Speed Triple 955i like a finger spinner.

Just had a quick look on their site, looks like they call their batteries "Powerline" now.
I would definitely buy another & will do when the 1125r needs one.

I don't work for them or am associated in any way, the batteries are really good. ... unt-codes/

Click the tanya. co link & check sizes etc.
Trustpilot love them.
Click vouchergains and automatic discount is applied to your purchase.

Good luck & all the best. Paul

Author:  Jazzbutcher [ 04 Mar 2019 00:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: High Torque Starter Motor Wanted. Tuber

Sorry forgot to say I also ran one on my Mille RSV with the same finger spinning ease. Just mentioning it as it's probably more appropriate than the Triple although they need a kick.

Author:  Lissy [ 04 Mar 2019 21:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: High Torque Starter Motor Wanted. Tuber


I appreciate the replies.

I have seen the Spike and such like Hi Torque starters and have had them on Harleys with big motors and they worked well. The problem with the old starter was that someone had heaved on the positive supply cable and turned one of the forks that contact the solenoid which prevented a good contact when engaging the starter. I have rebuilt the solenoid and will test it shortly. However, if a more suitable starter or uprated starter was available at the right price I would have tried it as the bike will be drag raced and maybe the odd track day. The starter needs to have the exhaust and primary cover removed to take it off if there was a problem which would ruin the day.

That said, I dont really want to pay the full price for a Hi Torque starter so it looks like the standard starter will be refitted....

Author:  barney [ 05 Mar 2019 05:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: High Torque Starter Motor Wanted. Tuber

thought the idea of a race bike was make it light as poss , so remove starter and replace battery with small and light as possible and use one of these to start bike :idea:

Author:  x1glider [ 05 Mar 2019 09:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: High Torque Starter Motor Wanted. Tuber

If you think you need a high torque starter on a Buell that you haven't boosted compression on, you have other issues. What model bike?

I've used the Spike on my race Buells. Necessary as I was running nearly 14:1 CR on 100 c.i. Lots of overlap helped but still needed the Spike. However, it needs a hefty battery to suck juice from, not the standard fare, or you're wasting money. So if you haven't boosted compression significantly or at all, you're better off with a battery with more CCA.

I suggest the Shorai Lithium Battery LFX24L3-BS12 or LFX27L3-BS12 (360 and 405 CCA respectively) But you'll likely burn out your starter if you need to crank that much.

But if it's a race bike for dragging and track days only, you can get away without the charging system and go "total-loss." The Shorais will power a F.I. bike just fine for sprint races up to a full hour practice session at the track, which I did with 2 X1s and Land Speed Racing, this is what I did to get rid of some parasitic losses (also on a X1).

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