UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

xb 12x exhaust servo motor
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Author:  asda160 [ 29 Sep 2009 15:39 ]
Post subject:  xb 12x exhaust servo motor

despite my best efforts...due to Corossion of the valve in the exhaust, my valve actuator in the air box is not working properly due to snapped bits inside

It is also not covered now by warranty due to my fat fingers probing inside :cry: ...

Has anybody got a redundant one to sell me

Cheers Dave

Author:  Digger [ 29 Sep 2009 16:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: xb 12x exhaust servo motor

<<Purely in the interests of fair play to Beef ......>>

No, but I can help you learn to spell corrosion.... :D :P

Author:  asda160 [ 29 Sep 2009 16:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: xb 12x exhaust servo motor

Digger wrote:
<<Purely in the interests of fair play to Beef ......>>

No, but I can help you learn to spell corrosion.... :D :P

Korushun...or was it cowwosion...i never was very good at maths .... :lol:

I'm sure le bouef will be on later to wreak his wevenge :D

Author:  Digger [ 29 Sep 2009 16:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: xb 12x exhaust servo motor


(it's boeuf, btw ;) )

Author:  asda160 [ 29 Sep 2009 17:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: xb 12x exhaust servo motor

Digger wrote:

(it's boeuf, btw ;) )

why bweak a hobit of a spelings atwocious....

but Digger the hamun bairn olny needs the fisrt and last lettres to be in the rihgt plcae to be albe to raed the wrod unfrotnuaetly i assuemd you all had a brian and wolud be able to udnersnatd what i was on auobt.... :hehe: ...loads of :sp: giong on here

anyhow back to my original post anyone got one ..ive got beer tokens and if local can collect ..anyone ??

Author:  Adam [ 29 Sep 2009 18:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: xb 12x exhaust servo motor

asda160 wrote:
despite my best efforts...due to Corossion of the valve in the exhaust, my valve actuator in the air box is not working properly due to snapped bits inside

It is also not covered now by warranty due to my fat fingers probing inside :cry: ...

Has anybody got a redundant one to sell me

Cheers Dave

Fat fingers eh? You sound like a well hung Lesbian :shock: :lol: :lol:

I've got a brand new valve actuator that you'd be welcome to use on a long term loan basis. I don't really want to sell it as servos come in useful for all sorts of home made project stuff. When you get your new can you could send it back to me 8-) Check out what Tubbs (Morespeed Racing) can do to your standard can, he'll give it a rust proof coating, make it sound sweet (more 'boomy' than a Remus) and you'll have enough change left over to buy him a box of Jaffa cakes :D
You'll have the added advantage of a 'Bobby Dodger' pipe as well ;) , and you'll be able to visit N.Wales without being nicked by the Heddlu (and they really are :tosser: )

Let me know either way, you'd be most welcome 8-)

Author:  asda160 [ 29 Sep 2009 21:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: xb 12x exhaust servo motor

Adam wrote:
asda160 wrote:
despite my best efforts...due to Corossion of the valve in the exhaust, my valve actuator in the air box is not working properly due to snapped bits inside

It is also not covered now by warranty due to my fat fingers probing inside :cry: ...

Has anybody got a redundant one to sell me

Cheers Dave

Fat fingers eh? You sound like a well hung Lesbian :shock: :lol: :lol:

I've got a brand new valve actuator that you'd be welcome to use on a long term loan basis. I don't really want to sell it as servos come in useful for all sorts of home made project stuff. When you get your new can you could send it back to me 8-) Check out what Tubbs (Morespeed Racing) can do to your standard can, he'll give it a rust proof coating, make it sound sweet (more 'boomy' than a Remus) and you'll have enough change left over to buy him a box of Jaffa cakes :D
You'll have the added advantage of a 'Bobby Dodger' pipe as well ;) , and you'll be able to visit N.Wales without being nicked by the Heddlu (and they really are :tosser: )

Let me know either way, you'd be most welcome 8-)

i should have known using words like PROBING, FAT & FINGERS..would get a response from someone on here involving a word like LESBIAN....i'm sure i passed through there whilst travelling through france last week ... :lol:

mate thats kinder than a kind thing..i'm gonna pass at this stage cos i would like my own unit but if it gets that i'm strugglinginging to find one, i'll giver yer a nudge...

Cheers fella


Author:  Adam [ 29 Sep 2009 22:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: xb 12x exhaust servo motor

:shock: I'm seriously considering becoming an Amish. Trying to find a good avatar :rofl:

Author:  milkster [ 04 Oct 2009 22:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: xb 12x exhaust servo motor

Hi have you managed to source a servo motor as i have an unused one with both cable and wiring if you like to make me an offer,,,

Author:  asda160 [ 05 Oct 2009 07:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: xb 12x exhaust servo motor

milkster wrote:
Hi have you managed to source a servo motor as i have an unused one with both cable and wiring if you like to make me an offer,,,

Milkster...sorry i'm practising the art of rudeness..i should have said before...thank you anyway :yup: but i've got one kindly donated as a loan item by Adam..



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