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 Post subject: Re: Posting suggestion
PostPosted: 25 Jan 2010 19:08 
Maz wrote:
It's been done to death over the years.

Ah I wasn't to know that?

 Post subject: Re: Posting suggestion
PostPosted: 25 Jan 2010 19:15 
Digger wrote:
ph4824 wrote:
Anyway, curious to see what you were offering in the way of alternative information, I followed your links, and found various photographs of places quite familiar to most of us, I'd say.... even those of us who quite happily live 400 miles away lOl

I posted some of my best pics to initiate the idea. What do you want full tourist information?

As far as I'm aware the closest a Buell meet has come south is Glastonbury? Anyway this idea was to initiate/encourage others to posts their fav places/rides so we could have some sort of UK database/section where future rides could be sourced from. This won't happen over night just like the "How To" section didn't happen overnight.

Think this has got do to more with who posted rather that what was posted :roll:

 Post subject: Re: Posting suggestion
PostPosted: 25 Jan 2010 19:52 
Needs more cowbell
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Chill ... nothing ventured nothing gained :)

And the most southerly meet is Sammy Millers in August ... :)

"With square conduct, level steps, and upright intentions ..”

 Post subject: Re: Posting suggestion
PostPosted: 25 Jan 2010 19:57 
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To be fair, ph, the tradition of the more or less informal Buell 'meets' depends on an individual getting of his/her arse and suggesting an interesting place everybody could meet up. This is more or less governed by the density of Buell ownership, in so far as that if there happens to a greater density of Buell riders in, shall we say for an example the South East, any suggested destinations would normally expected to be within half a day's comfortable riding distance from that particular area.
As is so often with these things, the South West usually has far fewer participating people involved than more densely populated areas of the country, so therefore throws fewer suggestions into the ring.
The same can be said for Scotland and West/Mid Wales.

The organised 'official' UKBEG meets are put together by CJ and invariably can be located anywhere he reckons will be of interest to the membership at large. This is quite often anywhere from the top of the country to the bottom and even abroad.
I'm sure that if anybody suggested to him a venue in the South West, he would investigate further the feasibility of the suggested destination.
Remember, CJ's from the frozen North and probably not that familiar with Devon and Cornwall, so unless someone suggests somewhere, it's perfectly reasonable for him to not necessarily think of these counties as a matter of course.

Anyway, this is all bye the bye.
Your original suggestion was for 'Best Rides' feature. So far, the idea seems to have fallen on stony ground, for whatever reason.
You win some, you lose some - I doubt very much if it has anything to do with the suggester. At least you made the effort.
Better luck next time.

_________________ ... re=related

 Post subject: Re: Posting suggestion
PostPosted: 25 Jan 2010 20:39 
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ph4824 wrote:
Think this has got do to more with who posted rather that what was posted :roll:
PH, don't flatter yourself, why do you think anyone really cares what you (or anyone else, within the site guidelines) posts? It's a 'kin t'interweb forum, that's all.

The best advice anyone can give you is to organise something, post about here, see who turns up. Sometimes it may be nobody, mostly it will be a few, occasionally it will be loads.

Honestly though, by demonstrating that your toys go out of the pram at the slightest provocation, I doubt anyone would now turn up even if you paid them.

I'm afraid it seems to me that you have not a lot of idea how places like this really work. I actually hope this helps.

Try doing this to yer fueller...........

 Post subject: Re: Posting suggestion
PostPosted: 25 Jan 2010 21:03 
Needs more cowbell
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03 wrote:

The best advice anyone can give you is to organise something, post about here, see who turns up. Sometimes it may be nobody, mostly it will be a few, occasionally it will be loads.

Even if its just one other person ... the likely hood is that you will have a great ride, post pics and talk about it, others will wish they turned up and the next time you will get another, then another, before you know it you have a fair few turn up every time you suggest a ride somewhere ... As others say, you win some you lose some, nout personal

CJ has been doing it for years and he still has to coax us with sticky buns lOl

"With square conduct, level steps, and upright intentions ..”

 Post subject: Re: Posting suggestion
PostPosted: 26 Jan 2010 08:48 
ph4824 wrote:
As far as I'm aware the closest a Buell meet has come south is Glastonbury?
Oh, I dunno about that ... I couldn't spare the time off to do it, but I'm told the Jogle trip ventured a bit further ....

.... and thinking about some of CJ's trips I've been on, they were certainly further south - Normandy & the Mosel rides spring to mind initially....

.. anyway, this isn't a pissing contest - it's about how UKBEG works - and it does work, very well. We all know what the scenery looks like in Cornwall - and if we don't, we've all got a fair idea how google works. Organise a ride, publish it, and people will come.



 Post subject: Re: Posting suggestion
PostPosted: 26 Jan 2010 12:07 
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Digger wrote:
ph4824 wrote:
As far as I'm aware the closest a Buell meet has come south is Glastonbury?
Oh, I dunno about that ... I couldn't spare the time off to do it, but I'm told the Jogle trip ventured a bit further ....

.... and thinking about some of CJ's trips I've been on, they were certainly further south - Normandy & the Mosel rides spring to mind initially....

.. anyway, this isn't a pissing contest - it's about how UKBEG works - and it does work, very well. We all know what the scenery looks like in Cornwall - and if we don't, we've all got a fair idea how google works. Organise a ride, publish it, and people will come.


Well said, oh we did Orlando FL once too, Alison will remember that one :mrgreen:

Try doing this to yer fueller...........

 Post subject: Re: Posting suggestion
PostPosted: 26 Jan 2010 21:20 
Thanks for your feedback guys. I think some have misunderstood what I was suggesting. I wasn't trying to organise an official ride. I havnt travelled to many places on bike outside of the southwest. Thought if there was a database of sorts of recommended places to visit by bikers it would be a help. There must be others who would like to travel further afield. With this in mind I posted some info on the south west just to give people the idea hoping that others from different counties would post etc.

Like ash says, some you win some you......

 Post subject: Re: Posting suggestion
PostPosted: 28 Jan 2010 23:23 
Milf Hunter
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MCN and Bike made the mistake of publishing "Best Biking Roads" and it just helps Plod organise their weekend shifts.
Unfortunately PH, you live in a beautiful part of the Country that is also the arse end of nowhere, so just about any destination you choose will mean heading north east first. I'm sure there's a few in the South West /Bristol / South Wales areas that would be open to the suggestion of a pub lunch meet somewhere halfway if you can find a venue with a bit of scenery etc..
If you fancy heading further East, I can strongly recommend luncheon at the French hilltop town of Cassel, on the way to Lauwe. ;)

I started out with nothing and still got most of it left.

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