rik wrote:
See recent
thread about the merits of the M2!

Interesting info in there, particularly the front engine mount and oil-pump drive, so I've been doing some reading....
I found
this billet engine mount on eBay, any opinions ?
The oil-pump drive doesn't look a particularly difficult DIY job, but the pinion-gear locking tools I found seem to be quite expensive. Is it possible to undo the pinion nut without one ?
rik wrote:
But that's not
your oil leak is it?

Nothing to do with me, honest !
(Actually, I think it's paint or tar rather than oil).
03 wrote:
I think your bike should already have the later upgraded front exhaust hanger, if not I recommend an upgrade to it. The V&H can be repacked, it' s worth it in my opinion as it is one of the better Buell silencers.
Yes, it's a 2001 so has the upgraded bits including the exhaust hanger.
I'll look into sorting the V&H - it looks a lot nicer than the stock one, so long as I can
quieten it down a bit.