UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

Newbee from Dundee
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Author:  Steve-R [ 26 Feb 2011 18:58 ]
Post subject:  Newbee from Dundee

Hi All,

Just a wee post to introduce myself to the forum -
only been riding a few years from passing test got a Honda Varadero 125XL, then moved onto a Yamaha FZ6 and finally purchased the latest toy - a 2010 XB12XT.
It's a fair bit different to the last bike, only revving to half what the Yam does - will take a wee while to get used to the different style of riding, but loving it already :)
It's coming up for a 5k service, just wondered if I should tackle this myself as it only seems to be a check of all cables, settings etc + an oil/filter change - been quoted £200 from dealer, which seems high - any advice ?

Author:  Nutah [ 26 Feb 2011 22:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Newbee from Dundee

:mrgreen: welcome to UKBEG Steve
depends how competent you are with spanners TBH ?
it's easy enough if you have a bit of mechanical know how :sun:

Author:  Bikerhoss [ 26 Feb 2011 22:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Newbee from Dundee

Hi, you'll love it, Big Twins are a different world from fours, Ride the torque and enjoy it :D

As for the service, depends on your warranty, if any. You don't have to go to a franchise these days to keep it valid, so any local place that gives you a decent quote will do, And if you're handy with spanners, well then nothing's stopping you apart from the stamp in the book.
Keep in touch for an Angus run lOl

Author:  Steve-R [ 07 Mar 2011 19:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Newbee from Dundee

Thanks for the advice guys - I'm swaying towards a DIY service - used to do my car repairs/servicing so should manage ok.
Have just had delivered a comfort kit & handguards which will now have to be fitted - don't know why the 'guards were missing from new - I assumed they were fitted as standard - previous owner assures me they weren't on it.
BikerHoss - Will give you a shout as soon as the snow melts ;)

Author:  Maxthegardener [ 22 Mar 2011 03:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Newbee from Dundee

Hello from forfar :D

Author:  deepsix [ 22 Mar 2011 09:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Newbee from Dundee

Hello Steve and welcome.

I am in Dundee today, Red ship 'Acergy Osprey' alongside for a few days. I'm actually travelling home this afternoon or we could have had a few 'Swallys'

Enjoy the XT; nice area to be having one :yup: I would think you'd need to be a bit handy with the spanners, not sure what back-up you have in this area.?

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