UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

Cat & Fiddle
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Author:  pmizon [ 02 Mar 2011 12:03 ]
Post subject:  Cat & Fiddle

Hello from the Buxton end of the Cat & Fiddle; bought a Ulysses XB12XT in November and not saying I immediately hated it but it was not my best pal. Handling was terrible, I've struggled and fought to get it through twisty bits without any feeling that I could trust it, finally fitted a new pair of Pirelli boots and it is transformed. What a gorgeous bike!!

Author:  Bikerhoss [ 02 Mar 2011 14:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cat & Fiddle

Hi there and welcome :)

My Uly came fitted with Pirellis, glad you like them, and the XB of course :D

I heard the Cat & Fiddle was a little over policed these days?

Author:  mcrbuelligan [ 04 Mar 2011 15:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cat & Fiddle

welcome pmizon

the cat & fiddle is now a average speed area though doing anything above 50 around these bends is kamakarzi

Author:  McUly [ 04 Mar 2011 23:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cat & Fiddle

Welcome pmizon,
Great forum here, I don't think there is a Buell problem that the lads (and ladies) here don't know the solution to, especially Maz.
When I bought my Uly I had the same problem, worn tyres, it didn't want to turn then it would fall into the corners, set of Metzeler z8s transformed it. Enjoy.

Author:  pmizon [ 07 Mar 2011 10:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cat & Fiddle

mcrbuelligan wrote:
welcome pmizon

the cat & fiddle is now a average speed area though doing anything above 50 around these bends is kamakarzi

You are right SPECS everywhere but from Buxton end you cannot achieve the 50mph around the first bends, couple of weeks ago after the twisties I opened her up to get the average up only to find a camera in a van!! That makes it 50mph max :cry:

Author:  pmizon [ 07 Mar 2011 10:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cat & Fiddle

McUly wrote:
Welcome pmizon,
Great forum here, I don't think there is a Buell problem that the lads (and ladies) here don't know the solution to, especially Maz.
When I bought my Uly I had the same problem, worn tyres, it didn't want to turn then it would fall into the corners, set of Metzeler z8s transformed it. Enjoy.

Mine had Pirellis on but as you say, well worn and looking like a lot of motorway work - worn square. New Pirelli Diablo Strada front and rear has done the trick.

Author:  Robin [ 14 Mar 2011 21:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cat & Fiddle

pmizon wrote:
Hello from the Buxton end of the Cat & Fiddle; bought a Ulysses XB12XT in November and not saying I immediately hated it but it was not my best pal. Handling was terrible, I've struggled and fought to get it through twisty bits without any feeling that I could trust it, finally fitted a new pair of Pirelli boots and it is transformed. What a gorgeous bike!!

Yes I also found that worn Strada's make the bike handling crap. Next time try Road Attacks even better then the Pirellis.

Has the bike been set up for your weight? Buells are quite sensitive in this area. If not take it along to Maz and he will set it up for you.

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