UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

Hello all and help please
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Author:  tim100 [ 18 Mar 2011 01:40 ]
Post subject:  Hello all and help please

Hello from Hereford and a new member looking for his first Buell. After thinking about buying a Buell for quite a while, I decide to take the plunge and visit the nearest dealer and find out that Buell is no more-what a bummer :(. (They even rubbed it in by telling me I could have had a new one for £5450)

I really want an XB12 lightning scg (have short legs!).
Is it worth holding out to find one of the last models as I see there were some mods to engine/oil pump or are all the scg's ok?

I would be really grateful for any advice so that I know what to look for. I have seen a couple of late hero blue ones for sale but they were snapped up straight away.
Thanks all.

Author:  ant69 [ 18 Mar 2011 12:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Hello all and help please

an early one is fine, and easier to tune. mileage and condition are more important. the 10k service is expensive.

Author:  Adam [ 18 Mar 2011 19:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Hello all and help please

A very good mate of mine lives in Creden Hill. He used to work for Her Majesty ;) , but now has gone to work in the private sector. When he's not abroad, you'll probably hear him nailing his Buell around Hereford lOl

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