UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

Best Front brake pads & where to get remap
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Author:  crashburnfly [ 04 Aug 2014 19:48 ]
Post subject:  Best Front brake pads & where to get remap

I have now done a few hundred miles on my 03 XB9S that I picked up on Saturday and I really like it and just what I had hoped for.
The front pads are thin so I intend to change them. What is the forum view on the best pads - I am really looking for the pads that give the best feel and stopping?
Secondly, I like to get my bikes setup 100% on a rolling dyno and wanted to know any suggestions for Buell expert dyno's in Sussex, Hampshire, Surrey area?
It has a Buell race ecu, exhaust and airfilter.
I assume the ECU chip can be overwritten with a new map?
All help much appreciated and if you ever get caught speeding etc - I run and happy to help.

Author:  gibbsy [ 04 Aug 2014 21:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: Best Front brake pads & where to get remap

crashburnfly wrote:
I have now done a few hundred miles on my 03 XB9S that I picked up on Saturday and I really like it and just what I had hoped for.
The front pads are thin so I intend to change them. What is the forum view on the best pads - I am really looking for the pads that give the best feel and stopping?
Secondly, I like to get my bikes setup 100% on a rolling dyno and wanted to know any suggestions for Buell expert dyno's in Sussex, Hampshire, Surrey area?
It has a Buell race ecu, exhaust and airfilter.
I assume the ECU chip can be overwritten with a new map?
All help much appreciated and if you ever get caught speeding etc - I run and happy to help.

Hello and welcome, I prefer the HH sintered pads, if it's any help to you.
You may also be able to help me with your Site! As I am currently awaiting speeding prosecution

Author:  Ferris B [ 04 Aug 2014 22:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: Best Front brake pads & where to get remap

'EBC double H pads ' do it for me.

Author:  crashburnfly [ 05 Aug 2014 08:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: Best Front brake pads & where to get remap

Hi Gibsey - email me at re your motoring issue

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