UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

Buell Newbie
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Author:  millo911 [ 04 Aug 2014 20:51 ]
Post subject:  Buell Newbie

Hello everyone., after many years of mainly Jap bike ownership I've decided that I fancy a Buell Ulysses. Always liked the Buell from first seeing one at the NEC in 1993 . I like the unique engineering, and the fact they are quite quirky.
I love the Harley engine but need a bike with suspension ! I've read many tests and would really like to see one up close and have a sit on one but there's non around the Hull/East Yorkshire area for sale !!
I guess I'll have to wait for one to come up locally.
Also do all Buells need the oil pump gear changing or is it up to a certain year?
Thanks. 8-)

Author:  gibbsy [ 04 Aug 2014 21:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Buell Newbie

millo911 wrote:
Hello everyone., after many years of mainly Jap bike ownership I've decided that I fancy a Buell Ulysses. Always liked the Buell from first seeing one at the NEC in 1993 . I like the unique engineering, and the fact they are quite quirky.
I love the Harley engine but need a bike with suspension ! I've read many tests and would really like to see one up close and have a sit on one but there's non around the Hull/East Yorkshire area for sale !!
I guess I'll have to wait for one to come up locally.
Also do all Buells need the oil pump gear changing or is it up to a certain year?
Thanks. 8-)

X model Up to 2008, you will need to change it, you need to look for the lower XT model 2008 onwards if you don't want to change the oil pump drive.
Welcome to the Site :yup:

Author:  Maz [ 04 Aug 2014 22:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Buell Newbie

:roll: 2006 :roll:

Author:  millo911 [ 04 Aug 2014 22:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Buell Newbie

Thanks for the information. Are there any other things I need to be aware of when I find one?

Author:  gibbsy [ 04 Aug 2014 23:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Buell Newbie

Maz wrote:
:roll: 2006 :roll:

My 2006 had a worn later type drive, there are pics on my posts, 26000 miles

Author:  delw [ 05 Aug 2014 13:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Buell Newbie

Hello Millo.
Had my Uly from new (Oct 2005) and 42k miles.
Various must(should)-have modifications; Free Spirts sprung belt tensioner, gear box output shaft grease nipple, re-routed engine breather, taller/wider touring screen, stainless steel silencer.

Some other small mods on mine. Lower seat from 2007 (onwards) model. Hyperpro fork springs. 2007 onwards (I think) were fitted with triple rate fork springs.
Dual Beam headlight mod from Simpson-Detour (gives both lights at dip and main).
Fitted rider comfort kit (supposed to keep rider cooler/shielded from engine heat) from 2009.

After that it's keeping on top of mechanicals. Regular Engine and Gear box oil changes. Wheel Bearings, Steering Head Bearings. Ht leads can wear through causing wet-weather running issues. Main loom can wear at Steering Head causing bad earths/loss of power to ancilleries like horn and indicators. Lots of expertise on here to ask questions

I've been a little unlucky with belt life and always keep a spare. £200+ a pop now. Also just replaced front and rear belt pulleys (both worn which possibly accelerated belt wear).

Lovely bike to ride all day/all week. If you're a little shorter in leg, the XT (less suspension travel) is worth a look and for some, is a better ride on the road (not tried one myself).

Get the best you can afford (goes without saying) but there are some over-priced examples out there.

Author:  millo911 [ 05 Aug 2014 23:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: Buell Newbie

Thanks delw for the info. I actually had a look at an X model at Leeds Harley, even managed to blag a test ride. It had 4500 miles on the clock 56 plate. Priced at 4450 ! A customers bike!
Completely stock. Few scuffs and nicks. Bit pricey I thought. Certainly different to ride. My ass was getting warm too. The fan was noisy but thats the norm I believe. They told me that parts would be available for 10 years!! Is that right?
I liked the torque but more vibration than I expected. I think I will look for a newer one but then it will of done higher mileage mmm.
Anyway thanks once again for the info :D

Author:  Maz [ 05 Aug 2014 23:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Buell Newbie

They told me that parts would be available for 10 years!! Is that right?

No, they lied to you :x

Author:  barney [ 06 Aug 2014 11:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Buell Newbie

Maz wrote:
They told me that parts would be available for 10 years!! Is that right?

No, they lied to you :x

And the parts that are still available, there price is rising far far faster than any annual inflation rate rise :roll:
some second hand parts trading on ebay for near new prices :shock:

Author:  millo911 [ 06 Aug 2014 12:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Buell Newbie

Thanks Barney & Maz that was what I thought ! I was pretty sure I'd read on the net that there was no new part supply! Them scoundrel's will tell you any old s#!T !!

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