UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

French Buell-ist
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Author:  Rhinofeross [ 10 Aug 2014 17:07 ]
Post subject:  French Buell-ist

Hi !
I am French, and I passed through the HD's door in Paris on March 2011, so my XB12Sx is one of the last of it's kind, and I am pretty proud of it ! Despite this, I tried to sell it when I moved to Manchester on November 2013. Fortunately, nobody made me a decent offer, and everytime I saw the photo of my Buell, I felt pain in my belly. So I finally decided to keep it, and I bring it back in UK at the end of this month ! I am rubbish at mechanic, but I need to learn. My Buell is fully original at the moment, and my next purchase will be a new exhaust, a comfortable seat, and a set of bags, to make the travels more comfortable. I hope to see some fella soon in an event !

IMG_2180.jpg [ 580.64 KiB | Viewed 828 times ]

Author:  DaveH [ 10 Aug 2014 17:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: French Buell-ist

Bonjour and welcome As you're in Manchester you're right on Maz's doorstep who knows everything there is to know about Buells and he adores working on xb's :yup:
Pay him a visit soon :yup:

Author:  nickyb [ 10 Aug 2014 18:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: French Buell-ist

Bonjour...!!! nice ride mate. 8-)

Author:  MadRat [ 10 Aug 2014 22:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: French Buell-ist

Bienvenue à bord.

Author:  Ferris B [ 10 Aug 2014 23:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: French Buell-ist

Take a look at an Albert exhaust, they're the best.And yes it's safe to take your xb to Maz's now coz it's harder to throw them in the river at his new place :D

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