UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

Alright all from N Yorks
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Author:  evansive [ 02 Jan 2015 17:45 ]
Post subject:  Alright all from N Yorks

Hello everyone, just a quick note to say hi; hoping to meet some of you at the Newark show tomorrow.

I'm not yet a Buell owner, but I did test ride the x1 Lightening in 1999, didn't buy it coz I couldn't afford it, don't suppose that counts :D :D

Saw an xb12x in hd leeds a few weeks ago, which got me to thinking.....have now sold Triumph and am looking for an xb12.

Still haven't quite decided which model, would like the xb12x but not sure about the seat height; i'm only 5'9". Fit on a 1050 tiger ok.

Any input will be gratefully received.

Author:  t965m [ 02 Jan 2015 17:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alright all from N Yorks

Welcome. You'll get loads of advice from both Fueller and Tuber owners - it's always good for a laugh :D

Good luck - no matter what you get you'll no doubt love this very eclectic brand :yup:

Author:  gibbsy [ 02 Jan 2015 18:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alright all from N Yorks

evansive wrote:
Hello everyone, just a quick note to say hi; hoping to meet some of you at the Newark show tomorrow.

I'm not yet a Buell owner, but I did test ride the x1 Lightening in 1999, didn't buy it coz I couldn't afford it, don't suppose that counts :D :D

Saw an xb12x in hd leeds a few weeks ago, which got me to thinking.....have now sold Triumph and am looking for an xb12.

Still haven't quite decided which model, would like the xb12x but not sure about the seat height; i'm only 5'9". Fit on a 1050 tiger ok.

Any input will be gratefully received.

Welcome, I had an X (complete with lower seat) and I am 5-10, I owned it for two years but was never 100% due to the height.
Now have an XT which is a much more sensible height, the XT is also more refined

Author:  FEI-LO [ 02 Jan 2015 19:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alright all from N Yorks

gibbsy wrote:
Now have an XT which is a much more sensible height, the XT is also more refined

:yt: ......good advice :yup:

Author:  deepsix [ 02 Jan 2015 19:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alright all from N Yorks

Welcome and enjoy the show. :old: Good luck with your decision and sourcing a decent bike.

Author:  Chrishog [ 03 Jan 2015 10:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alright all from N Yorks

I have an xb12ss and not a million miles away from you near Bradford. It's locked away at the moment probably until March/April but if you're not in a rush to buy one/can't find one locally and want to throw a leg over to see if it suits just let me know :)

Author:  MadRat [ 06 Jan 2015 20:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alright all from N Yorks

Hi there.....

Author:  M4TT1982 [ 10 Jan 2015 18:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alright all from N Yorks


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