UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

new B - Coventry CV8
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Author:  spidamantis [ 25 Apr 2015 11:12 ]
Post subject:  new B - Coventry CV8

Hi all,
Bit about me - finally got round to passing my test as an old git, when my lad got interested in bikes (I’m old enough that as a teenager, I could ride around on 250 2 strokes with out needing to pass my test). As an old git, I’m no longer interested in the 2 strokes or 4 cylinder screamers – I like twins. I rode a Honda NSR 125 after passing my 2 part, but couldn’t get on with it once I de-restricted (needed to be thrashed all the time). I bought a Honda Bros 400 twin to finish off my 2nd year at 33bhp. Then on to a Suzuki SV650 (pointy) that was fun for a year, but went from being too quick, to riding with the throttle pinned full open most of the time. Following that I bought an Aprilia Falco and what a bike!
My son was also progressing through numerous bikes Kawasaki ZR250 (4 cyl.), Moto Guzzi V35 Imola, Royal Enfield Bullet, Suzuki SV650 (curvy), Moto Guzzi V75 Breva, Kawasaki ZR750. After getting rear ended on the ZR750 he fancied a change a Buell. He never got on with it – so now its mine.
I have to say it is a pig to ride and I can understand why he did not get on with it. The gearbox is clunky, the brakes do not have the smoothness of the Aprilia, the short wheel base, steep steering rake & wide bars make it very nervous in low speed corners, the throttle has no finesse at low speed.
The Aprilia was so easy to ride, that one ride on it would set me back a week, on the progress I was making trying to ride the Buell. One of them had to go – so which did I sell?
I sold the Aprilia, despite its better gearbox, brakes, chassis, performance – it just didn’t have the character I wanted.
With the Buell I’ve got what I wanted a Harley that’s light, handles, & go’s well enough, with character in spades.
Have I mastered the Buell? No but I’m getting there.
I did contemplate fitting the 06 on progressive throttle cam, but I think I will just live with it.
I have modded the airbox lid after reading the forum articles, however it still seems to need the tank shell cover cocked over to one side to help get the air in.
Had to replace the battery recently but that’s a story for another time. You asleep yet? Good night then, speak to you all soon.
Hopefully I've not offended too many people


PS Do I miss the Aprilia? – yes, I miss the extra 20bhp especially in the summer (the Buell is impacted much more by the weather). And I miss that 6th gear! I don’t miss the riding position though!

Author:  deepsix [ 25 Apr 2015 11:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: new B - Coventry CV8

Welcome, what Buell do you have. They are not bad if set up well. Just different :D

Author:  coco [ 25 Apr 2015 11:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: new B - Coventry CV8

obviously an xb of some sort, i traded in a aprillia touno for my cyclone and then bought a bolt as well and got to say , the buells are far easier to ride and handle much better, just saying :shut: :yup:

Author:  spidamantis [ 26 Apr 2015 08:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: new B - Coventry CV8

Yes you're right it is a XB, an XB12s in fact.

Seem to be struggling to attach a picture. Is there a dummies guide to this?

Thanks for the welcome guys


Author:  spidamantis [ 26 Apr 2015 08:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: new B - Coventry CV8

Hi again,
On the subject of handling I do seem to have to man handle (counter steer) the XB for most cornering, and while I know technically that's what has to happen to corner anyway. It just seemed to happen on other bikes with out me having to think or force it. Admittedly the Falco needed a fair bit of force when came to S bends but not much otherwise. I also seem to have a fair bit of steering shimmy not full out tank slappers but a lot of fast side to side steering movement in certain circumstances (bumpy/undulating road, under hard accel - sets it off). I do have a steering damper fitted and after gradually pushing the bike harder, I have found I need to crank the damper up from the 1st notch to the 3rd to avoid severe shimmy, its still there just not as scary. I suppose I don't have quite as much weight on the front as previous bikes because of the more up right riding position, although I do try to ride as far forward as possible, especially to keep that front end down.

Your thoughts?


Author:  barney [ 26 Apr 2015 08:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: new B - Coventry CV8

Tyres , tyre pressure , steering head bearings .

Author:  Matron [ 26 Apr 2015 09:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: new B - Coventry CV8

barney wrote:
Tyres , tyre pressure , steering head bearings .

:yt: change the bearings and it will be a different bike. Oh, and welcome :yup:

Author:  ursus americanus [ 26 Apr 2015 12:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: new B - Coventry CV8

Also set the suspension for your weight as per the owner's manual. Never found any need for a steering damper on any Buell 8-)


Author:  Nutah [ 26 Apr 2015 20:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: new B - Coventry CV8

spidamantis wrote:
Yes you're right it is a XB, an XB12s in fact.

Seem to be struggling to attach a picture. Is there a dummies guide to this?

Thanks for the welcome guys


viewtopic.php?f=14&t=19 :here:

Welcome :)

Author:  kevmean [ 01 May 2015 16:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: new B - Coventry CV8

ursus americanus wrote:
Also set the suspension for your weight as per the owner's manual. Never found any need for a steering damper on any Buell 8-)


:yt: What Steve said , and steering dampers are for Pussies ;) I'm sure an XB can never get as lively as an 1125 but when they get all lively just relax and enjoy the ride ( just like you would with a good woman ) ;)

Author:  Adam [ 01 May 2015 21:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: new B - Coventry CV8

ursus americanus wrote:
Also set the suspension for your weight as per the owner's manual. Never found any need for a steering damper on any Buell 8-)


:yt: :worthy: I'd try and give it more compression damping on the rear shock. It may help with keeping more weight over the front while accelerating (when the rear wants to squat a bit) and give you a bit more steering authority :?

Author:  Finmows [ 01 May 2015 22:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: new B - Coventry CV8

spidamantis wrote:
Hi again,
On the subject of handling I do seem to have to man handle (counter steer) the XB for most cornering, and while I know technically that's what has to happen to corner anyway. It just seemed to happen on other bikes with out me having to think or force it.

Make sure you don't "trail brake" into corners!
IMO XB's don't like it

Author:  albert666 [ 07 May 2015 20:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: new B - Coventry CV8

come to the Warwickshire bike meet on Wednesdays at the wharf, fenny compton :yup:

Author:  mev [ 22 May 2015 19:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: new B - Coventry CV8

And while you are at it check out Albert's exhaust systems.... engineering porn 8-)

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