UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

Hi All
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Author:  Fandrover [ 23 May 2015 18:30 ]
Post subject:  Hi All

Another middle aged man suffering with "collection obsession disorder" here saying Hello!

Time to buy a new toy off the wish list to add to the land rovers, hondas, etc etc..... but still convincing myself that I'm too young for the Harley chopper just yet.

Anyway as a member of many "specialist vehivle" forums I learnt a long time ago that not only is the knowledge gained second to none but also that it's definitely worth waiting until one of the forum enthusiasts decide to buy a new toy themselves and decide to sell their baby :)

So apologies for any daft questions about things already covered hundreds of times (I promise I will try to search first) and also for loitering on here hoping somebody sells a well loved tidy S1 or Xb

Northern born and bred but living in the sunny South these days


Author:  Nutah [ 23 May 2015 19:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Hi All

Hi Mark welcome :mrgreen:

Author:  deepsix [ 23 May 2015 21:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Hi All

Welcome Mark, good to see someone else with the desire for a Buell. You realize that you have now opened the box for XB v Tubers comments again. A run up to the Emm's day meet in Lincolnshire might be worth your while to see the whole range of models and peeps involved.

Author:  Fandrover [ 23 May 2015 22:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Hi All

Cheers guys

Surely that 'box' has never been closed enough to re-open?? :coat:

In all honesty I can find pros and cons with both camps so as I'm too much of a wimp to pick a side it will be purely the first nice clean one at a good price that shall be welcomed into the family..... which of course is the time that I shall argue that my model is obviously by far the superior :mrgreen:

Author:  DaveH [ 23 May 2015 22:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Hi All


You're always to young for a harley chopper. You'd probably be better off with a raleigh chopper :hehe: As an owner of a 'well loved' S1 and and XB12S You have to understand they are two animals. S1's are better looking, more reliable 'once all the recalls are done' heavier and it's top heavy weight, and more ponderous in the handling department. XBs are much smaller in size, harder to service, when it does go wrong in the engine department it can be catastrophic. Have undersized wheel bearings that don't last too long. But on the upside They can be put millimeter perfect into a corner. They are scalpel like in handling,brake better.....You'd better get one of each :D

Author:  Fandrover [ 23 May 2015 22:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Hi All

Hmmmm as the budget won't allow for 2 maybe there's some weird Buell hybrid breeding program going on somewhere?
Tube looks and reliability but with Xb handling and low CofG... sounds a winner to me :worthy:

Author:  FEI-LO [ 24 May 2015 08:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Hi All

Fandrover wrote:
Tube looks and reliability but with Xb handling and low CofG... sounds a winner to me :worthy:

:yup: .............. You are evidently are a very sensible chap ............we could certainly do with more like you on this forum - welcome.


Author:  IBIS [ 24 May 2015 19:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Hi All

FEI-LO wrote:
Fandrover wrote:
Tube looks and reliability but with Xb handling and low CofG... sounds a winner to me :worthy:

:yup: .............. You are evidently are a very sensible chap ............we could certainly do with more like you on this forum - welcome.


What you say in Bruv :twisted: ........... :D

Author:  Dave from Scotland [ 25 May 2015 19:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Hi All

Hi and welcome.

As has been said, the XB series and the older Tubers are very different beasts, both of which have their good points and their own individual "issues".

Reliability comes at a cost. You'll either need to buy one (whether Tuber or XB, the rules are them same) that has had everything done / re-done / done as it should have been in the first place (take your pick) - which comes with an associated price-tag, or budget to do a fair amount of work to one that hasn't been properly overhauled.

Best advice is to try to ride both -and take them for a proper run, not just round the block, and see which you prefer. Really think about how / when / where you'll be using it (cross Europe touring or Sunday morning blasts), decide on the model you want and then keep an eye out for what comes up for sale.

Just my view!


Author:  coco [ 27 May 2015 13:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: Hi All

Ive got One of each , so :yt: and make eure you got a spare few quid in your Pocket. But i will neger well them till i need to fund a wheelchair

Author:  kevmean [ 27 May 2015 21:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Hi All

You forget that there is 3 types of Buell , the tuber , the XB and the watercooled ;) they are all good at different things 8-) some of us are lucky enough to have one of each :D

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