UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

New to Buell's and Forum, Hi from Hampshire
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Author:  Greenfellers [ 01 Jun 2015 13:01 ]
Post subject:  New to Buell's and Forum, Hi from Hampshire

Hi, new to Buell's and new to the forum.

New to me XB12X Ulysses arrived last week. 08 plate, 06 manufacture, less than 15000 on the clock.

Free Spirit tensioner and grease nipple mod done by a previous owner. Unknown make can fitted - I cant see any markings and it don't look factory fit.

Anything else I need to know/do?

Done about 100 miles so far and pretty happy with the ride, but after a short trip on Saturday and being bogged down in slow traffic for a while CEL came on.

Pulled over, killed engine and restarted no CEL until I pulled away, engine appears to be running fine if a bit lumpy at low speeds.

Anyway gentle ride home and parked up. Did some research on here and manually read the error codes;

15 - Intake air temp sensor
21 - Interactive muffler control
36 - Cooling fan

Fan has been fine - It made me jump first time it kicked in as I parked up.

Bike still seems to start and run OK but CEL stays on from start up.

Now I know the codes, any suggestions what to do with the knowledge? :?: especially as the bike was great for the previous 2 days to and from work and a bit of familiarisation.

Being previously used to Jap 4's with carbs I'm a bit lost with this one.

Most suggestions gratefully received,


Author:  Nutah [ 01 Jun 2015 16:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: New to Buell's and Forum, Hi from Hampshire

Hi Andy welcome

could be that CEL light is on because you have an after market exhaust
these don't have the inter active muffler control flap, which will probably be disconnected so that would cause a fault code ,you can disable this through using ecm spy i think
they like to be revved a bit not lugged at low revs

Author:  Greenfellers [ 01 Jun 2015 21:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: New to Buell's and Forum, Hi from Hampshire

Hi Nutah,
If that were the case surely I would expect the CEL to have been on from when I first fired it up.

I kind of got the feeling that keeping the revs up and managing the power through the clutch was gonna become a habit, I will be doing a lot of in town in traffic riding as I will be using the bike for work as well as fun.

I see you are fairly local, can you recommend an independent Buell engineer in the Hampshire area just in case?

Author:  Jill Brown [ 01 Jun 2015 22:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: New to Buell's and Forum, Hi from Hampshire

Welcome Andy.

No-one local to Portsmouth, but I use Northants V-Twin which are only a couple of hours away. Great people and great service. :yup:

If you want their details just give me a shout.

Get yourself along to a Southern Softies meet up in Ashurst. Usually on a Wednesday and about once a month. :D

See ya soon

Author:  Matron [ 02 Jun 2015 12:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: New to Buell's and Forum, Hi from Hampshire

Welcome, hope you get your issue sorted out soon. I'm afraid I can't help with tech queries :ill:
Is Tubbs not working on Buells in Southampton?
As Jill says, get yourself along to a Sothern Softies meet :yup:

Author:  Nutah [ 02 Jun 2015 17:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: New to Buell's and Forum, Hi from Hampshire

Greenfellers wrote:
Hi Nutah,
If that were the case surely I would expect the CEL to have been on from when I first fired it up.

I kind of got the feeling that keeping the revs up and managing the power through the clutch was gonna become a habit, I will be doing a lot of in town in traffic riding as I will be using the bike for work as well as fun.

I see you are fairly local, can you recommend an independent Buell engineer in the Hampshire area just in case?

Dave Scott is good & works from home :mrgreen: Toyboy1584 on here

Author:  Nutah [ 02 Jun 2015 17:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: New to Buell's and Forum, Hi from Hampshire :worthy:

this was created by Gunter memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=2783 , & the money raised goes to the Papworth Hospital Cystic Fibrosis Unit, the forums chosen charity :yup: :yup: :yup:

Author:  Greenfellers [ 02 Jun 2015 21:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: New to Buell's and Forum, Hi from Hampshire

Quote: :worthy:

this was created by Gunter memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=2783 , & the money raised goes to the Papworth Hospital Cystic Fibrosis Unit, the forums chosen charity :yup: :yup: :yup:

OK I will give that a look thanks Nutah, and I will look up Dave Scott.

Thanks Matron, is Tubbs a forum member?

Thanks Jill, I take it you mean Ashurst on the A35 the other side of Totton?

Author:  buelling banjo [ 03 Jun 2015 10:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: New to Buell's and Forum, Hi from Hampshire

Hi Andy

Welcome - yep Tubbs works over at what used to be called Dockgate 20. Now called Southampton Hardley Davidson.

Tubbs is called "Tubbs" in here :D

See you down at the Southern Softies or maybe up the hill at the burger bar.


Author:  Greenfellers [ 03 Jun 2015 12:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: New to Buell's and Forum, Hi from Hampshire

Hi Banjo,

I phoned Southampton Harley, apparently Tubbs has not worked there for 3 weeks according to the guy that answered the phone..

He didn't expand on that.

We will probably cross paths, I work in Pompey and live across the harbour.

Author:  Adam [ 03 Jun 2015 14:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: New to Buell's and Forum, Hi from Hampshire

In a recent Performance Bike magazine review, he was managing the workshop for Crescent Suzuki. Not sure where they're located, but I think it's in the deep South, South of Birmingham lOl

Author:  deepsix [ 03 Jun 2015 14:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: New to Buell's and Forum, Hi from Hampshire

Adam wrote:
In a recent Performance Bike magazine review, he was managing the workshop for Crescent Suzuki. Not sure where they're located, but I think it's in the deep South, South of Birmingham lOl

Hmm he was at Crescent in Verwood before moving back to Southampton. The guy's like the Scarlet Pimpernel :? I'll be down there next week with the KTM and will see if he's there :old:

Oh and welcome greenfella, I'm a member of the Hampshire chapter of the Southern Softies. Mojomick is our road captain who tend to be the driving force in getting us to all meet up in Ashurst. It doesn't take much persuading on my part as long as I am home at the time. Be good to meet you down there or anywhere else. A bunch of us were up at Jacks Hill cafe at the meet that Dave and Julie from Northants V twin organised. They are highly regarded when it comes to fettling Buells being keen owners of a few including the new EBR1190SX. Goodwood breakfast club is this Sunday (soft top sunday) always a good get together and wander around shedloads of nice vehicles. Well worth attending on a bike as traffic is horrendous as the event gets even more popular.

Author:  rik [ 03 Jun 2015 16:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: New to Buell's and Forum, Hi from Hampshire

Alton Station Caff night tonight if anyone in the area's reading this. May stop in at the new revamped Loomies on the way up (I hear the new staff can manage to make a proper brew...) and Micks Monsters on the way back...

Author:  buelling banjo [ 03 Jun 2015 20:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: New to Buell's and Forum, Hi from Hampshire

deepsix wrote:

Oh and welcome greenfella, I'm a member of the Hampshire chapter of the Southern Softies. Mojomick is our road captain who tend to be the driving force in getting us to all meet up in Ashurst.

Coo we have a "chapter" now and a "road captain". What I want to know is who is the cabin boy??

Jill do you want a job?? :uhoh:


Author:  Nutah [ 03 Jun 2015 21:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: New to Buell's and Forum, Hi from Hampshire

ahem....i thought we was an autonomous collective

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