UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

Old and new member.
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Author:  Roger [ 07 Jun 2015 09:45 ]
Post subject:  Old and new member.

I was an origanal member of this forum way back in 1998-1999 and used to ride a Buell Cyclone, always wanted one of the first lighting's but could not fit my wife on the tiny seat. I stupidly sold my Buell in about 2004 after I changed jobs and moved to Worcestershire. I have always regreted selling it even though it did require alot of love and attention, it was the only bike I have ever owned that made me smile :sun: every time I opened the garage door.
The reason for my post is two fold I would love to know if it still running around somewhere, it had a custom silver paint job with blue graphics. The graphics were a flying Pegasus head each side of the tank some pretend air grills on the rear side panels and on the fly screen and rear unit a tiny picture of a V twin engine with very small writing stating powered by Harley Davidson Thunderstorm. I know it sounds very flash but it was quite tastefull honest, the reg. number was T849 TOL. The other reason for my post is that I am thinking of buying another Buell, I want one of the original tubers purely because of sentimental reasons (I know there is a bit of rose coloured specs here) and if anyone can offer advice i.e spares situation, meetings, shops that still deal with Buells I would be grateful. Lastly for those who may remember me my nickname was Solar given to me by Karl Kinnen because I would not bring my bike out in the rain, oh and I used to go for the ocasional ride with Bernie Tiller who used to be the Buell Service Manager at Brackley.
Thanks for taking the time to read this.

Kind Regards Roger.

Author:  TOPGUMM [ 07 Jun 2015 14:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: Old and new member.

Hi, parts for the older tubers seem okay to get hold of ,some bits are getting pricey though. Plenty still getting robbed of their motors for inspired " blobbers " or such like . People are making parts such as ali fuel tanks, front motor mounts,exhaust systems , etc. Price wise £3 - £3 1/2K should see you with one . :)

Author:  Nutah [ 07 Jun 2015 14:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Old and new member.

:sun: welcome back

Author:  coco [ 07 Jun 2015 17:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Old and new member.

Hello, Shops to use Are the emporium Run by maz in dukinfield or northants. V twin. Run by dave and julie :yup:

Author:  barney [ 07 Jun 2015 17:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Old and new member.

Hi Roger
uk gov check tax site, vehicle on sorn mot expired 1st august 2014 :yup:

Author:  ursus americanus [ 07 Jun 2015 19:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Old and new member.

Welcome back, Roger. Not seen KarlK on here in a long, long time but Bernie makes an occasional appearance. He still has his '99 S3T and now works for KTM in Brackley.


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