UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

Ride outs
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Author:  Ellzpc1125R [ 26 Jan 2016 20:04 ]
Post subject:  Ride outs

Hi everyone!

Do any of you fellow Buell riders meet up for a ride out at all...?

I'm near Gatwick in the S.E. and was wondering if anyone else is relatively local and fancies a ride out.

I have a few other bike mates but us Buell riders are a rare breed and I think it will be an awesome day out if a fair few of us hit the road at the same time!

Any takers ?

Author:  03 [ 26 Jan 2016 20:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Ride outs

There used to be quite a few active members round there and a bit futher over towards Surrey. Alas, most don't come here any more. It always used to be a case of just posting up about your ride out and it was guaranteed folks would turn up. I'm afraid you're several years too late for that to work now I think.

Author:  barney [ 27 Jan 2016 04:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Ride outs

try looking in the forum , the social bit , events and rides .


Author:  DNZ [ 22 Apr 2016 15:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Ride outs

You might want to consider Whiteways Cafe just to the north of Arundel. It's not too far from you and it seems that every time I go up there I see another Buell or meet a Buell owner (usually riding their Harley!). I've bumped into forum members 1stGarry and PeteJ (I think) and a handful of non-forum owners. Yesterday was a typical example - a lunchtime ride over there and I ended up chatting to the lady owner of a white 2003 XB9R with 3000 miles on it. Absolutely mint except for the Remus exhaust.

There are a few members in the Worthing and Littlehampton area who appear from time to time along with a few from Portsmouth that occasionally come over.

We really should organise a proper meeting - perhaps a Thursday evening when the weather's settled down a bit. (Whiteways is open until 9pm on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays in the summer months).


Author:  rik [ 26 Apr 2016 09:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: Ride outs

There's nothing quite like being among a gaggle of bellowing Buells in close formation on a winding road, but it does require a certain degree of trust, mutual respect and time-served experience of how the others ride (call it 'group dynamics') to enjoy it safely.
As 03 said, this used to happen regularly in the good 'ol days (fond memories of our regular Sunday afternoon blasts in Hants/Sussex/Surrey), but people come and go and that dynamic easily gets lost.
Recently, meets have been just that, meets. People turn up solo or with a mate or two and leave in similar manner.
But there's nothing to stop you organising a ride out, post it in Events and see what happens...

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