Think it's just about all been said. Fantastic week with fantastic people

Adam's shots are a great sample of a few of the high points including Willy supplying oral stimulation and wiping the helmet of No 69.
A couple more highlights for me were the Betty Swollocks band playing "Comfortably Numb" (which was a little too emotional for some of us but very memorable) and the permanent look of joy on Ash's face.

He doesn't get out much while bringing up a young family, dealing with shitty employers and spannering this place so a week of honing his riding skills, stalking racers and partying was just what the doctor ordered.
As always special thanks to Digger for making it all happen. A very laid back approach of "this is what we're doing, join us if you want or do your own thing if you prefer" made for a brilliant week. His local knowledge and understanding were invaluable.
This was especially highlighted when Magz had her little incident. The plan had been to ride up to Glen Helen to watch the racing. Unforeseen delays including helicopter pilots arriving in police vans meant that road closures would have meant we couldn't get to our chosen destination. All this was anticipated by Digger who then led us through gravel strewn single track roads to arrive at Cronk y Voddy (sp?) to witness some stunning close up high speed action in a peaceful area which still offered a portaloo and catering van.
Well done to Digger and the entire crew. Love you all