UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

UKBEG Events & Em's Charity - Papworth CF Unit
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Author:  Devonbob [ 26 Nov 2009 08:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: UKBEG Events & Em's Charity - Papworth CF Unit.

Wow :clap: :clap:

Author:  Fat Slag Again [ 28 Nov 2009 12:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: UKBEG Events & Em's Charity - Papworth CF Unit.

I'm sure you all know how proud and grateful I am to all you guys (Em nearly fell off her cloud she was so excited!) but I thought I'd say it again.
Big Thanks to everyone involved (especially CJ and Jane for the organisation and continued support). :clap: :worthy: :app:

Author:  CJ [ 08 Mar 2010 17:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: UKBEG Events & Em's Charity - Papworth CF Unit.

Updated accounts for Em's Charity:

The total now stands at £9,404.19 :P

£9,095.48 = amount raised in 2009.
£308.71= amount raised so far in 2010.

Donations this year:
£38.46 (£30 + Gift Aid) Michael Dales.
£19.23 (£15 + Gift Aid) Steve Baden.
Plus the recent auction of Buell 2010 staff shirts donated by Allan Brownridge of HD/Buell UK raised £251.02 :clap:...
Made up of :
£108.97 (£85 + Gift Aid) Sheepy.
£32.05 (£25 + Gift Aid) Raging buell.
£60 Mo.
£50 Maz.

Author:  CJ [ 12 Mar 2010 18:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: UKBEG Events & Em's Charity - Papworth CF Unit.

I've just had news* that Em's Charity donation page ( ) is being closed to donations from 19-03-10 and will only be visible until 31-03-10.

At this time I don't know what's going to replace it. I'll post details once we've managed to arrange something else in its place.

The latest total is £9,532.40 - this follows an on-line donation today of £128.21 (£100 + Gift Aid) from 'Sontay'. Subject to confirmation, I think this is part of Colin's (Goldy) fundraising for this years UKBEG Buell Emerald Isle Challenge.

* Full notice:

Over the next three weeks we will be withdrawing the Bmycharity online fundraising service.

We've had a fantastic response to our commission-free service and have successfully recruited corporate sponsorship. A queue of charities is waiting to register and donation volumes and average values have surged. For some time we have been seeking additional resources to help us to develop our system, grow our team and engage with charities and corporate sponsors to support this growth. We are a two man team with no external investors in a market increasingly characterised by companies with scores of employees and multi-million pound backing. Our search for investment has been unsuccessful, culminating in the failure of a proposed deal in the last few days, so the time has come for us to withdraw our service. We regret the inconvenience this will cause to our users and clients.

Since 2001 we've helped 300 charities raise over £28 million. We'd like to thank the thousands of fundraisers and donors who have encouraged their friends to use Bmycharity, the hundreds of charities that have registered with us, and the many suppliers and advisors who have contributed. Without additional resources, we've done all we can to contribute to the development of the market for online fundraising in the UK, and now the time has come to seek other challenges.

With Best Wishes

Ben Brabyn and Matt Cooper

All donations processed by Bmycharity are safe. Donations will be passed to charities in the normal way, with the final transfers taking place in April 2010.

Donation and fundraising pages will remain live (able to take donations) until the end of 19 March 2010.

Fundraising pages will be visible until 31 March 2010.

Charity reporting services will be available until 31 March 2010 - please ensure all donation data is downloaded by this date since it will not be available thereafter.

No further charity sites will be launched and any fees from unlaunched sites will be refunded.

Author:  gunter [ 12 Mar 2010 18:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: UKBEG Events & Em's Charity - Papworth CF Unit.

:cry: Bad news indeed.

Author:  crabbitbear [ 15 Mar 2010 19:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: UKBEG Events & Em's Charity - Papworth CF Unit.


this might be of interest

Author:  CJ [ 16 Mar 2010 09:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: UKBEG Events & Em's Charity - Papworth CF Unit.

Frankie - thanks for that info.

Helen at Papworth Hospital sent me an e-mail yesterday afternoon to say that they are going to set-up another on-line donation scheme - it may well be through 'justgiving', watch this space.

Author:  deepsix [ 16 Mar 2010 09:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: UKBEG Events & Em's Charity - Papworth CF Unit.

It does seem a shame the the founders, Ben and Matt have to wind that scheme up. It looks like they have done a fantastic job over the years for many causes. It's easy to forget the human side of how much work goes into such things. it would be interesting to know more about them etc.
Hopefully (and it looks likely) another way will evolve.

Author:  CJ [ 22 Mar 2010 16:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: UKBEG Events & Em's Charity - Papworth CF Unit.

Latest news - we can keep things as they are for Emma's donation page. Here's the notice in full:

We are delighted to announce that Help for Heroes (H4H) has agreed to join forces with Bmycharity to form BmyHero. The name and branding will change in the next few weeks but for now all fundraising pages and accounts remain live at We will ensure that our commission free service continues for every charity.

Help for Heroes, the strictly non political charity that supports wounded Servicemen and women, prides itself on a no nonsense approach to giving with minimal administrative costs. Together, Bmycharity and Help for Heroes can offer a service that allows fundraisers to donate their sponsorship directly to their charity of choice with no extra costs so everything you raise goes to your charity and that's it.

What do I need to do? Nothing, please just stay with us and we will do the rest. Our service will continue as before and the new partnership will offer the service to all its existing customers. We will not be withdrawing the service as previously announced and all pages and accounts remain live at

What do I do if I have already signed up with another charity giving organisation? Its up to you, it's your choice but we would love it if you came back to Bmycharity to ensure that every penny you raise goes to the cause you support! Your page and account are where you left them and ready for use right now!

What about the data, are my details safe and will H4H be hitting me with special offers and begging letters? No, H4H will not. The data that the new partnership has will be respected as before.

What about other charities, will the service continue or is this just for H4H? The service will continue with all charities who are existing Bmycharity clients in exactly the same way as before. Bmycharity and H4H will honour the terms of existing Bmycharity contracts.

I am a charity and would like to be registered with Bmycharity. That's fine, we would like to sign you up but ask that you give us a few days to let the dust settle so we can handle all the enquires from existing customers first. If you register your interest through the Bmycharity website we can get back to you.

Are you committed to 0% commission? Yes, we share the belief that charity fundraising should be commission-free but we are not criticising others who charge - in fact we hope they'll follow our example.

How can you finance and invest in the service when Bmycharity recently failed to raise investment? By coupling Bmycharity's lean, low cost business with H4H's technical resources and relationships with banks and corporate partners, we're able to cover the costs of providing the service to the charity sector commission-free. H4H's trading company and technology partners will invest in developing the service to remain at the cutting edge of online fundraising innovation.

Is a charity allowed to run a service like this? Bmyhero will be owned by Help for Heroes Trading Co Ltd, a wholly owned trading subsidiary of Help for Heroes. The profits from Help for Heroes Trading are used to cover all the administrative costs of both the charity and the trading company.

Chief Executive of Bmycharity, Ben Brabyn says "Over the last 10 years Bmycharity has helped more than 60,000 people raise over £28 million for UK charities. To widespread acclaim, we announced that we were dropping all commission charges last October and donation totals and average values have soared since. However, with a team of only two staff and no external financial backers we were unable to meet demand and reluctantly announced the withdrawal of our service last week. As former Royal Marines, Matt Cooper and I were delighted when Help for Heroes invited us to join forces with them to keep online fundraising commission-free for charities."

Help for Heroes Chief Executive Bryn Parry says "At H4H, we do everything we can to ensure that every penny we receive goes to the cause and so we want to be sure that Bmycharity can continue to offer their free service to the charity sector. We felt that our supporters should continue to have a choice and are delighted to be able to partner Bmycharity in their fund raising efforts. We admire the ethos of Bmycharity and feel that we are natural partners. We are delighted and hope that our supporters will be as well."

Thank you all for you continued support and we very much hope that you will come back to our commission free service.

For more information or updates, please keep in touch via our blog, twitter and Facebook. You can also see the latest news from Help for Heroes here.

With best wishes

Bryn Parry and Ben Brabyn
CEO H4H and CEO Bmycharity

Author:  crabbitbear [ 22 Mar 2010 17:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: UKBEG Events & Em's Charity - Papworth CF Unit.

Great news Chris

Author:  goldy [ 22 Mar 2010 17:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: UKBEG Events & Em's Charity - Papworth CF Unit.

That's great news :clap: :clap:

Author:  CJ [ 25 May 2010 22:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: UKBEG Events & Em's Charity - Papworth CF Unit.

The total on Emma's Charity donation web page now stands at £11,030.60 :P...

Details are shown here.

We topped £11,000 with an on-line donation last Saturday from Peter Grimshaw. Peter is the DP at Manchester HD/Buell and we've known him for over 13 years, he sold us our S1 back in May 1997 when he worked at Eddys in Leeds.

On-line donations to date for this years Buell Challenge have totalled £1,626.41 and can be viewed here.

To summarise, Dave and Adrian (Alien) raised £1,208.98 on-line, Colin and Maxine (Goldy) raised £212.31 on-line and various other donations raised £205.12 on-line. All these figures include Gift Aid where applicable.

Still to add to this figure of £11,030.60 are the cash and cheques which we still hold pending arrival of all the sponsorship money from our fellow Buell Challengers.

We estimate that the 2010 UKBEG Buell Challenge will have raised in excess of £3,000 for Em's Charity.

Author:  Maz [ 25 May 2010 23:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: UKBEG Events & Em's Charity - Papworth CF Unit.

What a top bloke that Pete. G is, the best DP you will ever meet........much nicer than that bloke from BB :twisted:

Well done eveyone and a special big up to the Jessops :worthy: :clap:

Author:  ursus americanus [ 25 May 2010 23:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: UKBEG Events & Em's Charity - Papworth CF Unit.

Maz wrote:
What a top bloke that Pete. G is, the best DP you will ever meet........much nicer than that bloke from BB :twisted:

Well done eveyone and a special big up to the Jessops :worthy: :clap:

:yt: ;)


Author:  Maz [ 25 May 2010 23:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: UKBEG Events & Em's Charity - Papworth CF Unit.

:hehe: :ner:

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