UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

Buell Day, Lauwe 2015 - date?
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Author:  Jill Brown [ 20 Jan 2015 07:14 ]
Post subject:  Buell Day, Lauwe 2015 - date?

Has a date been set for this yet?? :D

This time last year it was already sorted, and I want to get this year's trip all booked up...
Need something to look forward to. Please?? :4roz:

:dance: :dance: :dance:

Author:  kevmean [ 20 Jan 2015 15:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Buell Day, Lauwe 2015 - date?

I was given a provisional date last week Jill , just waiting for confirmation before posting it here ;)

Author:  Jill Brown [ 21 Jan 2015 22:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Buell Day, Lauwe 2015 - date?

Excellent.... :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Author:  WILLYBUELL [ 22 Jan 2015 23:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: Buell Day, Lauwe 2015 - date?

Jill Brown wrote:
Has a date been set for this yet?? :D

This time last year it was already sorted, and I want to get this year's trip all booked up...
Need something to look forward to. Please?? :4roz:

:dance: :dance: :dance:

wakeing up tomoz is something to look forward too

Author:  Adam [ 22 Jan 2015 23:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Buell Day, Lauwe 2015 - date?

wakeing up tomoz is something to look forward too

Spot on :yup: :sun:

Author:  Jill Brown [ 23 Jan 2015 07:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Buell Day, Lauwe 2015 - date?

Adam wrote:
wakeing up tomoz is something to look forward too

Spot on :yup: :sun:

Yeah, but one of you is retired. The other is in a new exciting job which you absolutely love.....

Author:  Adam [ 23 Jan 2015 10:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Buell Day, Lauwe 2015 - date?

Jill Brown wrote:
Adam wrote:
wakeing up tomoz is something to look forward too

Spot on :yup: :sun:

Yeah, but one of you is retired. The other is in a new exciting job which you absolutely love.....

I know what you mean Jill, but we're looking at the bigger picture here. Everyday I wake up, I consider it a plus (as I'm sure Willy does 8-) )

You only go around the once :yup:

Author:  The prisoner [ 23 Jan 2015 22:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Buell Day, Lauwe 2015 - date?

I love waking up....I love the morning, especially the sun rise.
But I love pissing off people so much, it is like an addiction, I have to piss people off big time every day.....I love the little cloud of shit I leave behind, it makes people think.
Once you stop thinking, you may as well be dead.

Now this fucking date you fucking fucker....

Author:  Jill Brown [ 23 Jan 2015 22:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: Buell Day, Lauwe 2015 - date?

Adam wrote:
Jill Brown wrote:
Adam wrote:
wakeing up tomoz is something to look forward too

Spot on :yup: :sun:

Yeah, but one of you is retired. The other is in a new exciting job which you absolutely love.....

I know what you mean Jill, but we're looking at the bigger picture here. Everyday I wake up, I consider it a plus (as I'm sure Willy does 8-) )

You only go around the once :yup:

....and you are both younger than me... :sad1:

BTW I love my life, I just struggle with the work aspect of it.....but it ain't gonna beat me...!!!

Author:  Adam [ 23 Jan 2015 23:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Buell Day, Lauwe 2015 - date?

Life gets much better when you pack it in :yup: Just like your head stops hurting when you stop banging it on a wall lOl

Author:  Jill Brown [ 23 Jan 2015 23:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Buell Day, Lauwe 2015 - date?

Adam wrote:
Life gets much better when you pack it in :yup: Just like your head stops hurting when you stop banging it on a wall lOl

Looking forward to that day..x :yup:

Author:  WILLYBUELL [ 25 Jan 2015 23:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Buell Day, Lauwe 2015 - date?

Jill Brown wrote:
Adam wrote:
wakeing up tomoz is something to look forward too

Spot on :yup: :sun:

Yeah, but one of you is retired. The other is in a new exciting job which you absolutely love.....

v fair comment my old job to survive it ... i focused on the job ...doing what was asked well .groweled at um when they fuked me about .told them if they could do it faster and better crack on n show me ...left me alone in the end .weve spoke about this situation ;) THINK OUT THE BOX TO MOVE ON wont find exactly the same job ......if jobs arnt being avertised you can cover some home work and find out the companys were you skils ....exeperiance would fit in .......refresh your CV and send the fuker to these companys ...every six months ...ive done this twice in life could get lucky ....would moveing be any worse than were you are xx (((((((((( ))))))))))

Author:  Adam [ 25 Jan 2015 23:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: Buell Day, Lauwe 2015 - date?

Jill Brown wrote:
Adam wrote:
wakeing up tomoz is something to look forward too

Spot on :yup: :sun:

Yeah, but one of you is retired. The other is in a new exciting job which you absolutely love.....

v fair comment my old job to survive it ... i focused on the job ...doing what was asked well .groweled at um when they fuked me about .told them if they could do it faster and better crack on n show me ...left me alone in the end .weve spoke about this situation ;) THINK OUT THE BOX TO MOVE ON wont find exactly the same job ......if jobs arnt being avertised you can cover some home work and find out the companys were you skils ....exeperiance would fit in .......refresh your CV and send the fuker to these companys ...every six months ...ive done this twice in life could get lucky ....would moveing be any worse than were you are xx (((((((((( ))))))))))

I just slogged it out for the pension when I stopped enjoying it. If I hadn't bailed when I did, I think mental illness may have been on the horizon lOl . I may have started enjoying it again if I could be arsed to join in all the madness :?
'In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is King......'

Author:  Ferris B [ 26 Jan 2015 00:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Buell Day, Lauwe 2015 - date?


'In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is King......'[/quote]

Or the one eyed python :D

Author:  jiltedjohn [ 26 Jan 2015 17:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: Buell Day, Lauwe 2015 - date?

Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana :coat:

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