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PostPosted: 18 Jun 2022 16:58 

Joined: 01 Aug 2018 19:58
Posts: 1768
Current ride: Buell 1125R
Buell Meet Squires Cafe June 18th
Well despite the crap weather predictions I got up to Squires without being rained on, to be greeted by Chris & his partner? Chris (Cyclone) & one or two others, joined later by Barney & Delw & another guy on a Cyclone. Bike count 5 Buells & a Moto guzzi. Interesting chat with Chris, Chris, Barney, Delw and his partner (sorry forgot her name ) and his youngster. A few cups of tea & a bacon buttie, a look round the Buells & Delws new BMW which looks brand new & very nice, then I was on my way again as it had gone colder & seemed like rain.
Unfortunately when leaving my 1125r gave a massive spit back through the injectors & was only running on one cylinder afterwards & the throttle seemed a bit weird but rather than embarrass everyone else on Buells by trying to mend it there, I drove off thinking I could have a look further down the road.
I got a couple of miles down the A1 & pulled into a service area to see what could be done with my emergency tool kit. I thought at first it might be a fouled plug or one of the leads that had come loose, but feeling the lack of throttle response (even on one cylinder) on the way to the service area, I had an inkling the throttle cables or throttle bodies may somehow be responsible.
Anyway I got the airbox cover off, filter out and bottom box off by which time getting the throttle body to airbox gasket off, I had found the throttle bodies were indeed loose. Great at least I knew I could fix it. It seems that the body clamps may have come loose & when it spat back it blew the front body out of the rubber but left the rear one semi attached.
So, after a bit of fumbling about & some mighty leverage I managed to work them both back into the rubbers & tighten the front clamps up, I couldn’t get at the rears at that point.
By which time a Honda Goldwing had pulled in beside me with the guy commenting “that isn’t a good look”. Just what I F****n’ need I thought, a smart ass. I said ah it’s ok I’ve fixed it and recommenced fitting the airbox bottom cover without gasket (nightmare with Velocity stacks on) and really hoped as I was tightening the outer air box cover up that I had actually indeed fixed it.
It turned out the guy on the Honda was ok really & we had a nice chat while he was putting on his waterproofs and I was tightening up the last few bolts. He’d been up to Darlington for a Goldwing meet and had left early trying to avoid the rain, same as me.
I put the key in, pressed the button & it ran fine all the way home. I didn’t get rained on but I dropped my sat nav & smashed the glass front, bollocks! It still works but looks a bit shit. I’ll have to break out the cling film ha ha.
You can let this sort of thing spoil your day, but hey, all good really. I’m off to tighten the rear throttle body clamps up.
All in all a great day out.

Ride Safe & Stay between the hedgerows.

PostPosted: 18 Jun 2022 19:05 
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Joined: 05 May 2009 20:00
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well at least you got home ok :yup:

Feros Ferio

PostPosted: 18 Jun 2022 19:59 
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Joined: 07 Nov 2011 18:10
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Location: Telford
glad you got home ok Paul .
I too had a good chat with Chris and Delw regards there extended high mileage experience ( 70k and 50k respectively ) with the uly's and what typical require replacing over time with these mileages , so I can hopefully check what I have in stock and collect a few more items for the years to come .
It was a nice turn out, carpark was nearly full of all sorts of bikes , and food was ok as well.
I left about 2.30 , took deferent route back home M62 /M6 .
M62 road works for a couple of junctions :headbang: , then once south of Manchester on M6 rain rest of the way home to Shropshire , so glad I chose the car this time .

Buell Ulysses XB12X 06/08

PostPosted: 18 Jun 2022 21:39 
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Joined: 07 May 2009 11:53
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Glad to catch up with you Paul and hear you eventually made it home. Even better that you had some knowledge about what to do to get you running again :clap: :clap: The cloud of unburnt fuel in the car park was starting to burn my eyes.
Barney, even more surprising to see you all the way up in our neck of the woods but you made Anne's day.

Not a huge Buell turnout by any means but certainly attracted some interest from some of the other Squires visitors/regulars.

Buell owners should be committed (but not for life) ;-)

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