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PostPosted: 10 Mar 2010 14:52 
ursus americanus wrote:
sportster_mann wrote:
hooligan55 wrote:
So we can safely say that we have got 2 exceptional dealers,one in the north,one in the south,all we need now is east and west,any suggestions? please post :D :D

I would put Black Bear in the East ...

That's what my sister said when we got married :shock: Like to think of ourselves as a southern dealer though :?


You married your sister! You must be from Norfolk.

Cheers, Richard.

PostPosted: 10 Mar 2010 16:45 
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You married your sister! You must be from Norfolk.

Norfolk 'n' good :o (as they say round those parts)

Actually I come from Southampton and my sister lives happily with her husband near Poole (don't let Mojomick know though ;) )


Back on the road again!

PostPosted: 10 Mar 2010 16:59 
has it got a pulse?
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ursus americanus wrote:

That's what my sister said when we got married :shock: Like to think of ourselves as a southern dealer though :?


Kinell Steve,
I'm glad you're Buell care is better than your Geography.......Southern my arse!!! :shock: lOl lOl lOl

FUBAR pilot

You only need two bikes in life-an S1 and a Multistrada!

PostPosted: 10 Mar 2010 17:00 
It is for most of the country, G .....

PostPosted: 10 Mar 2010 17:05 
has it got a pulse?
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Just because you live in a cave and eat coal :!: lOl lOl

FUBAR pilot

You only need two bikes in life-an S1 and a Multistrada!

PostPosted: 10 Mar 2010 17:08 
tubbs wrote:
skipthedog wrote:
In this case is it worth taking out the extended warranty :?: if their is such a thing.
there are a few out there just renew each year or do 3 years at a time.

Who does extended warranties on Buells?

PostPosted: 10 Mar 2010 17:14 
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Beef wrote:
Just because you live in a cave and eat coal :!: lOl lOl

They're all Northern monkeys if you ask me lOl

Wear the fox hat

PostPosted: 10 Mar 2010 17:18 

Joined: 26 Nov 2009 16:59
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Hi , I may be wrong but I believe that if a product is faulty when sourced then repaired/replaced and is still faulty you should be able to continue to claim as the the product would be deemed as "not fit for purpose" under the sales of goods act. Regards Lou

PostPosted: 10 Mar 2010 19:03 
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AH!!! Welcome to the thread Lou :rofl: :rofl:


patience is not my strong point.

PostPosted: 10 Mar 2010 19:22 

Joined: 09 May 2009 19:09
Posts: 334
You may be right with Ladrooks :D . I just remember the slimy peach trying to sell me extended warranty when I bought the thing ;)

PostPosted: 10 Mar 2010 21:14 
Can't be bothered to fill in the form, but this is one company bought up by google -

PostPosted: 15 Mar 2010 22:19 
hooligan55 wrote:
hooligan55 wrote:
:rofl: HA!HA!,goodwill,what goodwill?

On my bike HD paid for the rear wheel bearings and labour on my 5k service. They also paid to collect/deliver (140 miles round trip), supply and fit a new belt. Both times it was well out of warranty. If that is not "Good will" I dont know what is because thats got to be the best part of £500 if you had to pay for it yourself.

Sorry the question asked. Well you would be lucky to get much from any bike maker IMO. I have had most and they are all much the same. Even the God of bike service BMW can be crooks, i can prove it, and Trumpets dont fair well either. It has a lot to do with your dealer IMO. DIY is the way to go and always has been.

Most of the HD dealers according to this site are crap and incompetent,although ,I know one or two have been given glowing recomendations by some folk on here Blackbear especially,which is where I am going to take mine when it needs something doing which will be a good 120 mile round trip,you obviously have also got a GOOD dealer dutchman but if you read through this site I think you may find more moaning than praising about HD dealers,its just if you dont happen to live near a GOOD one then you should travel to the best one thats nearest to you ,that you have heard about :D :D

My local HD dealer is Stratstone at Chingford, 5 miles, and they ARE crap. I ride a good 140 mile round trip to The Foundry in Canterbury. This is the company stated in my post. Maybe I have been lucky. I do my own work but the bike had a warranty so I used it. I also have read many posts on the issue near 3 years now.

Lets just be clear on the issue of bike service and warranty. Most all of them are close to rubbish. It is why I DIY. I just dont trust any of them. The fact is that The Foundry have given me the best customer service on any car or bike I have had in near 30 years. Thats on all four Jap bikes and BMW, Honda and other cars.

Like anything else in this world it is a "eyes open" situation. One thing about The Foundry is that you can see the work being done. Nothing to hide and total open book. O and there labour rates are near half of the London dealers :yup:.

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