Had a few slappers but never at 5mph
Best or worst one was on a Z600 in my youth around 45mph, hit a hidden gate stop, tank slapper followed.
Threw me off, sliding face first along the road, thought I'd stopped put my hands down for the helmet to hit the road as I cartwheeled.
Eventually got up to pick the bike up to find out the helmet had smashed through my collar bone and the road had been recently gravelled.
Spent 5 days in hospital having gravel picked out of my elbows and knees (yes no leather worn just double denim but luckily gloves) and having salt baths.
So I've no feelings in my elbows, seen both my knee caps which have lovely scrape marks along them.
Back on the back of a bike the day I was let out, the joys of being 19.
Thinking about it I'll keep the damper...
Did I tell you about the time I wiped a marshals hut out at the end of Park straight at Cadwell park?
That's one for another day