I think some people on here may be missing the point. It's always been really quite simple. If you have a carb and a petcock, turn the fecker off when you're done riding the bike, and turn it back on before you start it? How hard can that be?
My X1 also had a Mikuni conversion. *Never* had any issues with cold morning starts, and a bit of a bang is not an issue. It goes bang because the choke is injecting too much fuel into the combustion chamber (it's running rich to keep the engine running until the cylinders and pistons warm up properly). Some of that fuel will make it out unburned into the exhaust, mix there with fresh oxygen and go *BANG*. So it's not an issue. I actually had a small threaded hole in one of my headers, which I used to open up every so often for a run. The bike would then suck in a little bit of air through the hole on the overun and make an almighty rattle... bam bam bam CRACK!....
Loved that sound. Not so much other people living in Tadley
As for the hesitation and lack of throttle response when cold, I used to start the bike on the choke, and let it sit there idling for 2-3 minutes while I would put my kit on. Then push the choke in, blip the throttle a few times to keep the bike running and move off. And then for the next mile or so, simply blip the throttle if you come to a stop at the lights or something. Other than that it would be fine. I think Ash simply needs a bit more self confidence with this particular issue. It's not really a 'technical' problem. More like a solution looking for a problem.