.....I'm definitely an old bastid now !
Did over 200 miles today on some of my favorite scratching roads ie. Disley, Buxton, Matlock Batch via both the A6 and the Snake.
Some of the riding I witnessed was truley scarey.........nothing more or less than I was doing 20 years ago but these guys have very little skill and even less self preservation awareness.
Bearing in mind that I'm riding a bike that's new to me and I'm still running it in ie. less than 400 miles on the clock.......I'm watching guys pass me on blind bends, over solid whites and narrowly missing oncoming traffic etc. only for me to catch them very easily a few bends later........and then watch them risk everything all over again.
I very rarely break the speed limits unless on unrestricted stretches, where I still keep it under the ton (just) and I can still keep up with the morons on their crotch rockets whilst they dice with death
I'm wondering how long it will be before these roads are closed to bikes on a Sunday ?........the cops, ambulance service etc. must be sick to death of scraping idiots off the front of cars etc.
The only skill involved in riding these once great biking roads is now reduced to spotting un-marked plod bikes, mobile speed traps and any one of the 3 traffic helicopters deployed to cope with the Sunday dickheads
I've only just read Maz's post and I couldn't agree more, especially the last bit. It's making me feel like jacking up biking altogether. Riding through Derbyshire is more about spotting the Plod than enjoying the ride.