UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

Take good care.....
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Author:  Maz [ 23 Feb 2011 20:26 ]
Post subject:  Take good care.....

......of those throttle cables......

Sold a throttle and idle cable on Monday, I'd had them in stock for around 4 months and they were £22 quidish each.

Ordered replacements today......they're now £58 quid each :shock: :evil: :headbang:

Needless to say, I've ordered pattern items from elsewhere.

Buell parts prices are getting really fucked up these days, thanks H-D :tosser:

Author:  Nutah [ 23 Feb 2011 20:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Take good care.....

:shock: :shock:

don't worry 1203 will be along to tell us poor HD needs the cash flow :headbang:

Author:  morini01 [ 23 Feb 2011 20:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: Take good care.....

I was watching prices and noted rises of late.To be expected but as I was not using my bike enough to justify it I sold it so will not be supporting HD in their greed campaign. Bad enough they stuffed us re Buell closing,then they insult us further.

I really miss it though...and have still not located a tuber. Its a pricey exercise to bring one from USA so I knocked that idea on the head.

Time to drag out the Morini I think..

Author:  Adam [ 23 Feb 2011 21:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Take good care.....

I've always loved Morinis, I've never ridden one though :? If we ever meet with our bikes, I'd love a spin up the road on it lOl :yup:

While we're talking Italian bikes and the MoFuCo, I'll bet MV are laughing their cocks off at the recent mismanagement at the top of HD. There's some interesting reading about their impending doom written by American 'City' types, if you Google for it. Hardly surprising the're screwing every penny out of their customers, since they may well not be around in 2012 when the EPA get a grip on them ;)

I just regret the problems it may cause some of the good people that work for them :(

Author:  morini01 [ 23 Feb 2011 21:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Take good care.....

No probs Adam. This one needs the wiring sorted and Uk reg then I am away. Like buell they are an acquired taste.. Never many about so the chance to try one does not occur often. We are only about 25 ml away so once sorted I will let u know. Poss meet at the horseshoe pass or somewhere? John

Author:  pash [ 23 Feb 2011 21:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Take good care.....

When my cables break (on my XB, not on the S1 cos tubers never fail), I will be invoking Special Ops using: ... _ROPE.html

and some of: ... TS/Nipples

dipping it in a bit of:

before heating up with a soldering iron / butane torch and feeding some electical solder in....

Author:  bikerdude666 [ 23 Feb 2011 21:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Take good care.....

What a fecking rip off! Think when mine snaps I'll be down matts to buy some cable, even I can make my own cables!

Author:  pash [ 23 Feb 2011 22:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Take good care.....

You ROCK Del...

Author:  bikerdude666 [ 23 Feb 2011 22:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Take good care.....

Lol no need to take the p1ss, it's only the buell I won't work on cos it seems like it's quite easy to break, about to put anew clutch in dr (provided fowlups has supplied the right plates and gasket)

Author:  Adam [ 23 Feb 2011 22:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Take good care.....

morini01 wrote:
No probs Adam. This one needs the wiring sorted and Uk reg then I am away. Like buell they are an acquired taste.. Never many about so the chance to try one does not occur often. We are only about 25 ml away so once sorted I will let u know. Poss meet at the horseshoe pass or somewhere? John

You're a Gent :yup: :worthy:

Author:  spen [ 24 Feb 2011 00:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Take good care.....

bikerdude666 wrote:
What a fecking rip off! Think when mine snaps I'll be down matts to buy some cable, even I can make my own cables!

I'm a bit shocked here, I thought everybody made their own cables......

Author:  Dirty John [ 24 Feb 2011 17:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: Take good care.....

Adam - I was lucky enough to ride a Morinin 500 accross Zimbabwe in 1985, great bike but had to use the pillion pegs due to the riders footpegs being too far forward to suit the clipons.
It was well fast enough for the roads there and reliable given the crap blended fuel.

Back to the throttle cables, ,looks like I had better order some spares.

Author:  spen [ 24 Feb 2011 18:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Take good care.....

Dirty John wrote:
Adam - I was lucky enough to ride a Morinin 500 accross Zimbabwe in 1985, .

You should have called in...... ;)

Author:  Toyboy1584 [ 24 Feb 2011 18:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: Take good care.....

Have been using bicycle brake cables for years now £3.50 a go :D :bandit:

Author:  Digger [ 24 Feb 2011 18:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Take good care.....

spen wrote:
Dirty John wrote:
Adam - I was lucky enough to ride a Morinin 500 accross Zimbabwe in 1985, .

You should have called in...... ;)

lOl lOl

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