UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

X1 lightnin slippery bits
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Author:  petester [ 10 Apr 2011 21:39 ]
Post subject:  X1 lightnin slippery bits

Just about2 drain all existing goo from 2001 X1 lightning an fill up with silkolene Vtwin 20w/50 in the motor an silkolene BOA80w-90 in the primary an Gbox as recommended by Opie oils 4the X1 Anybody tried them??

Author:  mojomick [ 11 Apr 2011 00:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: X1 lightnin slippery bits

petester wrote:
Just about2 drain all existing goo from 2001 X1 lightning an fill up with silkolene Vtwin 20w/50 in the motor an silkolene BOA80w-90 in the primary an Gbox as recommended by Opie oils 4the X1 Anybody tried them??

Nope. Most peeps are happy with the MoFoCo branded oil, but any oil is better than no oil. ;)

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