UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

GPR exhaust
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Author:  stinkerbill [ 11 Apr 2011 19:02 ]
Post subject:  GPR exhaust

Anyone tried one?

Any good?

Author:  gunter [ 11 Apr 2011 20:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: GPR exhaust

A friend of mine did several dyno runs with GPR mufflers in 2006 (on behalf of the german GPR distributor) and the results were disappointing. The stock maps do not match them, and the engine was running way to rich (below AFR 11) after calibration, losing power, and heavily losing power with db eaters installed. You might be able to gain some few hp with a remapped ECM, but IMO it's not worth it. The dip is between 4k and 5k rpm, which is where most people would want more, not less, torque.

Author:  johnnyguk78 [ 11 Apr 2011 22:02 ]
Post subject:  GPR exhaust

OK folks I may have one of the finest "her indoors".
Home from work on Thursday after taking a half day and lying in the kitchen is a spanking new GPR exhaust. All seems well with the world. So out in to the shed I go and start removing the old can from my 2008 Uly. ( it would be worth noting 2008 model) Bit of a bitch to remove but eventually by late evening I have the fecker off and roll in Friday morning.
Not such a good start on Friday. First thing I notice is that the link pipe supplied with the silencer does not fit over my downpipes but fits inside with a couple of mm to spare. 12mm difference.
Phone call to the wife and find out that with the help of her brother she bought the can from Italy, saving £100 than if she had got it from Engerland. Immediate check of "trenditaly" website shows that they only list one exhaust for the Ulysses. I then sent the first of many emails to the company. Only to be told that it is my fault and that they will only pay the cost of the can and none of the shipping costs which have cost €26 to ship to my address and will cost approx £60 to return.
After numerous threats and angry emails from Italy I report the matter to paypal as payment was made by joint credit card through paypal. Result from paypal is that I am entitled to a full refund including shipping charges as the website does not state that the exhaust is year specific fir the Ulysses and it does for other models. Paypal suggested I ship the package fully tracable and signed for. This came in at £60.70 for which I will be reimbursed.
So next plan was to speak with Albert about a can. That was until I came home to be informed that the washing machine has shot it's guts and is beyond repair.
Looks like standard exhaust for another while. When I spoke with the UK supplier, once he stopped laughing he stated that he was not surprised that GPR only made one can for all years of Uly. Didn't really inspire confidence in the GPR factory.

Author:  albert666 [ 12 Apr 2011 00:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: GPR exhaust

sorry can't fix washing machines ;)

Author:  mojomick [ 12 Apr 2011 00:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: GPR exhaust

albert666 wrote:
sorry can't fix washing machines ;)

lOl lOl lOl

Author:  mcrbuelligan [ 12 Apr 2011 10:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: GPR exhaust

GPR and Quill stay away from period - i know.

your far better getting a APH one from Albert

Author:  stinkerbill [ 12 Apr 2011 10:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: GPR exhaust

Yep already emailed Albert for details - just doing the research.

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