UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

help gettin started with ecmspy derbyshire please
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Author:  dread [ 20 Jun 2011 22:55 ]
Post subject:  help gettin started with ecmspy derbyshire please

I got an x1 that needs attention via computer knowlege is basic but with hands on instruction i am quick to learn... is there anyone local ish to me(derbyshire /notts that will give me a little practical help to get going on this project..i have cable ,laptop,program and decent mechanical knowlege ,have set up carbed bikes, not lookin for someone to do this for me...just need a pushstart into the high tech arena. stuck at first hurdle ,getting the cable drivers to work :oooops: . any help /advice really appreciated.

Author:  Nutah [ 21 Jun 2011 02:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: help gettin started with ecmspy derbyshire please

from Pash , in the how to section :yup:


Author:  Dirk300 [ 21 Jun 2011 09:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: help gettin started with ecmspy derbyshire please

If your having an issue with getting the cable com port location or an issue connecting go to control panel, Hardware & sound, device manager, then click on com ports to expand or usb controllers and expand. then as you plug in or un plug your cable, you should then be able to locate the com port and change if necessary.
Quite sure I had this issue but its an easy fix once you know where to look

Author:  dread [ 21 Jun 2011 21:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: help gettin started with ecmspy derbyshire please

Thanks for the input...should help...forgot to say that i had a go a long time back , re flashed with race eprom was always rich at high revs so i removed the lambna cable and removed a few discs from the supertrap ..that sorted top end but it is weak at the bottom end...this hasnt been too much off a problem untill now when i want to take a pillion , which makes the fuelling issue more pronounced..trying to ride slower and smoother.
what i need to do is reconnect the lambna and tune it properly.. first off i want to multiply the whole map by the afv to get a stable base and then optimise the rest of it and hopefully lose the overun poping...just lacking a little know how and confidence to make a mi x1....peace

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