UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

Insurance quotes
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Author:  Dunk1976 [ 08 Apr 2012 09:31 ]
Post subject:  Insurance quotes

Just bought my first buell an xb12scg was wondering if anybody new an good insurance companies and roughly how much it cost to insure

Kept in car port
Chained up
Age 36
Less than 5 years riding

Just like to know what other people's quotes are roughly

Author:  scotties [ 08 Apr 2012 09:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: Insurance quotes

Impossible to give you anything accurate with insurance companies being so finicky(?) these days, but my missus paid just under a hundred quid for hers, fully comp, but she is 50, bike garaged, and lots of no claims. The Bike Insurer claims to guarantee to beat any quote, and Bennetts are pretty good too - avoid Swinton cus they will mercilessly rip you off.

I hope it gives you as much pleasure as it gave the wife over the years!

Author:  Dunk1976 [ 08 Apr 2012 10:01 ]
Post subject:  Insurance quotes

Yeah I'm with Swindon on my Honda they are a pain in the arse if I remember rightly bennetts said it would be about £90 for my Honda cbf500 last year so the buell might not be too bad fingers crossed

Author:  rev potts [ 08 Apr 2012 10:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: Insurance quotes

just stick all the details in that fuck the mearcat .com thing will give you a good idea Potts

Author:  boldy [ 09 Apr 2012 00:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Insurance quotes

im with devit and pay 125.00 this year as compared to 93 and 97 previous years . all insurance goes up every year false claims and that . im in liverpool and age 55 and the bikes garaged . :eat:

Author:  t965m [ 09 Apr 2012 08:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: Insurance quotes

Give EBike a try. I've just spent a few days getting a multibike policy and they were by far the best.

Be aware that the policy doesnt cover you third party on other bikes, other than that it seems ok.

Author:  Nutah [ 09 Apr 2012 08:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Insurance quotes

see if approved chains & locks will lower your quote ?

or if you have the space , see if secured in a shed would
lower the quote ?

Author:  aerial0 [ 10 Apr 2012 15:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Insurance quotes

My best deal last year carol Nash. Breakdown and euro cover all in.

Author:  Sanatogen Geoff [ 10 Apr 2012 18:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: Insurance quotes

aerial0 wrote:
My best deal last year carol Nash. Breakdown and euro cover all in.

:yt: I'm 104, and I pay £200 at Carol Nash, and includes all the above. They're easy to deal with, and you speak to sensible, non-bullshitting people too.

Author:  Adam [ 10 Apr 2012 22:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Insurance quotes

Sanatogen Geoff wrote:
They're easy to deal with, and you speak to sensible, non-bullshitting people too.

I've been (claim free) with CN for the last 12 years, and have found them to be just the opposite - I'll be dealing with Adrian Flux next time (in fact they've just insured my Impreza for half what CN quoted :roll: )
Getting back to bikes, last January, CN doubled my bike renewal quote (£900 :shock: ) saying the reason was because they had put me with a new company, as Equity Red Star would no longer insure my Duc 1198. I phoned them and politely told them to shove it, and the woman on the phone told me she would look for a cheaper quote than they had given me and lo and behold, she came up with a figure just £20 more than their quote for the previous year. I pointed out that I was very upset about this because I was paying them, as a Broker, to get me the best quote they could in the first instance :x . I got a load of bollocks about how insurance rates change daily and they could only quote the figure that came out their computer. When I asked who this new cheaper company was, it turned out to be Equity Red Star again!
After venting about how a company as large as CN was either being incompetent or dishonest about doing what I pay them to do, I told them that next January, my computer would be saying 'NO' :!:

Author:  albert666 [ 10 Apr 2012 23:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Insurance quotes

give ebike a go, i use them
bear in mind a lot of people on here are twice your age dunk ;)

Author:  Jill Brown [ 10 Apr 2012 23:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Insurance quotes

All our bikes are insured with MCE Insurance. Do a quote through them and see what they come up with...??

Author:  TWOSHEDS1098 [ 10 Apr 2012 23:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: Insurance quotes

i would recommend bennetts best i have found for price and cheap to add on a second bike ,and told them had after market exhaust, you will save money if you do it on line. good luck.....

Author:  Tyrefryer [ 11 Apr 2012 12:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Insurance quotes

Last week I got multi-bike insurance with eBike after seeing reccomendations on here, for not much more than I was quoted elsewhere for the 1125R alone. You can do it all online yourself.

Author:  Dunk1976 [ 11 Apr 2012 13:18 ]
Post subject:  Insurance quotes

Thanks everyone for your valuable advice managed to get multibike insurance through bennetts cost a bit more than I thought but considering its fir two bikes and I d haven't been riding too long it's not too bad, that's what happens I suppose when you get the bike of your dreams just a shame they said you can't have multibije insurance and multiple riders I.e me and my father in- law

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