UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

Stickers Decals and Graphics
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Author:  stinkerbill [ 12 Apr 2012 13:17 ]
Post subject:  Stickers Decals and Graphics

Hi all,

I've recently had some custom decals created for my Buell so firstly wanted to give Steve at Sign & Print Graphics ( a good plug here on the forum.

He was really helpful and on the phone when I wanted and basically if you want to have any custom stickers or decals made up he's your man - don't forget to mention me if you do use him ;)

This is the 3rd time I've used him and the quality and service are brilliant.

I had some die-cut vinyl decals made up from my own designs and then some metallic silver and black Buell logos - all of which are vinyl, die-cut and weatherproof.


Bear in mind it's a hobby and I'm not making any money here, I'm more than happy to get some of the more popular stickers made up if there's enough interest in them and I cover cost. As an example, the Buell Badge logos (as above, 5cm wide) will work out about £4 each (I think) - Bear in mind, they are custom designs (so there's a design set-up fee from the printers), a very small quantity run (I only had 20 badges and 4 die-cut vinyls done) and they're full colour, metallic print, vinyl. I assume the cost will go down with quantity though and something simpler, like a 'BUELL' text-only decal cut straight from vinyl would be much, much less.

Anyway if anyone want stickers made up or has a suggestion for a bulk order that other might want too, drop me a line and depending what I have on my plate I may well be up for designing them for you.

Go on then - get creative folks.

Author:  stinkerbill [ 14 Apr 2012 23:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Stickers Decals and Graphics

Wow... Not one single reply... :coat:

Ok well, if anyone wants stickers made up, I'm all ears.

If not, saves me a job :yup:

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