delw wrote:
OF wrote:
Once the form arrives I will discuss with my Insurers about how they think we should proceed.
Whatever they say, they will bung up your premium at next renewal, regardless of 'protected no claims etc, and a different company will also ask if you've had any 'no blame' accidents or claims. Guess why?
They are a bunch of bastards and are not interested in providing a fair service
Considering the time you spend 'tarmac surfing' have you considered some IAM stuff? Sure, there's a lot of beardy old farts in that organisation, but some of them (usually ex bike Plod) will make you think about what you're doing. After a lifetime of thrashing bikes, a lot of what I learned on the course was already being done instinctively, having learned it the hard and painful way
, but having it pointed out was a way in which I could analyse it effectively. I also learned a fair bit of new stuff too. The test was also fun (ex Plod) as were the training rides, which if done with ex Plod Observers, was at a reasonable pace.
On the way to my test, I got pulled for speeding. When I told the Copper where I was going, he raised his eyebrows and told me to get on my way, 'carefully'
I got the same reaction off my Examiner when I told him, after he said I'd passed the test