UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

Was riding the BSA today and wondered if its like a blast
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Author:  daywalker [ 27 Oct 2012 21:50 ]
Post subject:  Was riding the BSA today and wondered if its like a blast

Was riding and loving the BSA B441 today for the first time on the road and loved it. It made me wonder what a blast was like to ride. Could you get one to be as light as the B44? Perhaps MAC motorcycles really did have a good idea just missed the boat with the loss of Buell and the possible engine supplier.

Got to try a BSA B50 next. Would love a go on the B50 Restones mate has.

Author:  Jill Brown [ 27 Oct 2012 23:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Was riding the BSA today and wondered if its like a blas

If you would like to try riding a Blast, I could always ride up on mine and let you have a go. Just give me a shout if this sounds a plan. :yup:

Author:  daywalker [ 28 Oct 2012 01:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Was riding the BSA today and wondered if its like a blas

I will have to come down to an event near you and have a quick spin. Just curious as I love the BSA thumper engine with the lightweight of the bike think the Blast might be a bit heavy it certainly looks it but the MACs look more like it.

Author:  sportster_mann [ 28 Oct 2012 15:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Was riding the BSA today and wondered if its like a blas

HD own the rights to the blast motor, and they were reported to be working on a replacement bike for their Rider's Edge programme - ... -hogs-fly/

Author:  barney [ 28 Oct 2012 16:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: Was riding the BSA today and wondered if its like a blas

:shock: a little bit to retro for me

Author:  Adam [ 30 Oct 2012 19:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: Was riding the BSA today and wondered if its like a blas

The B50 motor is probably the best Brit single ever (incl. the Manx, G50/7R etc). The bored out CCM variants with magnesium cases were beasts :yup:
B25/44 motors can easily be bored to 600cc but can become a bit unreliable is you start chasing power with high comp ratios and wild cams. The bike that Restones mate has, is in the perfect state of tune for reliability and power. However, it still needs to be run on Castrol R oil, which even today is perfect for race motors - go to a classic race meeting and ask the competitors what they think about mineral oils lOl

Author:  daywalker [ 31 Oct 2012 10:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Was riding the BSA today and wondered if its like a blas

This BSA has certainly started a new interest. It was a bit like the first go on a Buell, the engine just makes you think why is no-one building grunty engines like this they are just perfect for everything except flat out throttle to the stop riding.

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