UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

Big thanks to Albert and Gunter
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Author:  battyone [ 30 Oct 2012 11:33 ]
Post subject:  Big thanks to Albert and Gunter

Just like to say thank you very much for the assistance that these 2 Gents have given me this year.

Albert supplied me with a beautiful bigbore system mid season which gained me a few more hundreths and allowed the bike to sit a little lower,getting me a little more grip. Will get the system on the dyno over the winter and will report the results here.

And what can I say about Gunter??? Bloody genius!! without monospy none of this would be possible. And he keeps improving it! I'm now using the launch limiter settings as well as the inbuilt shifter interupt. Plus datalogging with a palm and lots of fuelling and ignition changes.

Both of you have been a huge help,unfortunately it's not over yet! :uhoh:

I'm hoping to run 3 1125r's next year,1mildly modified streetbike in the et class and 2 massively modified competition bikes. Hope you 2 wonderfull gentlemen can get your heads round turbochargers and superchargers!!! Not convinced that twins work well with turbos so I'll try one but I've also bought a rotrex centrifugal supercharger. Should be able to develope them side by side and see what works best. :run:

If anyone wants to give drag racing a go on the cheap,the ET bike will be available for hire/loan.

I'm also looking for reasonable priced machining facilities to help with some parts,specifically I need 3 billet clutch baskets making and would like to make some new cylinders.

Albert and Gunter :4roz: :4roz: thank you.

Author:  daywalker [ 30 Oct 2012 14:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Big thanks to Albert and Gunter

Excellent news re further development. Shame Buell weren't still going as factory support would have been nice. Do EBR know about your efforts? Probably their not interested but might be worth ago.

Do you have a calender for events next year I would like to see if I can make some if the family commitments allow.

Author:  battyone [ 30 Oct 2012 16:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: Big thanks to Albert and Gunter

Yes EBR are aware,I've bought spares -including 2motors- from them,but they have offered nothing. Not even stickers.
It's a little suprising as there is no love lost between EBR and TwinMotorcycles and the championship was won by a TM supported bike

Next year's bikes will be Batspeed Rotax. Possibly with completely new bodywork if time allows.

Will have a full set of dates next week,supertwins agm is this weekend.

Would be great to see some more UK Beggars at the tracks.

Author:  pash [ 30 Oct 2012 16:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Big thanks to Albert and Gunter

They showed me Little Joe's exhaust whilst I was visiting last year... Do they support him?

Author:  battyone [ 30 Oct 2012 17:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Big thanks to Albert and Gunter

pash wrote:
They showed me Little Joe's exhaust whilst I was visiting last year... Do they support him?

No,they couldn't get the exhaust made in the US-go figure?- so had it made here using Joe's bike as the jig.

In fact that is the only thing they ever offered me, a deal on the exhaust.They were going to allow me to get it direct from the Uk manufacturer,saving two lumps of shipping and duties.

Ultimately to beat Joe I need to make up the150lb weight advantage He has over me. I can lose weight off the bike to match his,but I'm not going to cut myself in half to match his -lack of- size. :rotfl:
no amount of naturaly aspirated tuning is going to allow me to go past him and stay there. Gonna have to be forced induction,so apart from gaskets and spares what could EBR offer anyway?

Hopefully Gunter can put up with all of my questions about monospy and Al can keep wielding the magic TIG torch. :4roz:

Author:  pash [ 30 Oct 2012 18:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: Big thanks to Albert and Gunter

I guess you don't fit in with their 'own the corners' business model :run:

Author:  gunter [ 30 Oct 2012 18:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: Big thanks to Albert and Gunter

... as long as I am allowed to go on bugging the doc with dumb questions ... :yup:

I suppose, one of the main problems will be to provide the right amount of fuel for a turbocharged engine. The pressure seems not to rise an issue, from what I have seen using a baro sensor in my bike, the algorithm looks quite robust, but it's all a matter of good calibration. It's a real pity I can't increase the wire speed used for communications, as I did with a DDFI-2, which in sequence resulted in 25 queries per second instead of 7, what we get now.

Author:  battyone [ 30 Oct 2012 18:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Big thanks to Albert and Gunter

:rotfl: corners??? what's corners??? :rotfl:

I honestly thought they'd help me just to go faster than TM.

In theory I already have more hp than Joe 665lb ...9.78@138 needs 142hp

Joe at 515lb 9.10@ 147 needs 135hp.

better power to weight wins out everytime,TM claim 152hp for joes bike.

As much as I would love to tune the shit out of the motor,it would be pointless.
I need something like 175hp to match Joe and then I need to ride it perfectly. TBH he's got much more seat time in on his bike-4 years against my 1- and will be more likely to get the best out of his package.

So blown is the only way to go :yup:

Author:  albert666 [ 30 Oct 2012 18:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Big thanks to Albert and Gunter

will catch up soon nige :yup:

Author:  pash [ 30 Oct 2012 18:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Big thanks to Albert and Gunter

gunter wrote:
... as long as I am allowed to go on bugging the doc with dumb questions ... :yup:

I suppose, one of the main problems will be to provide the right amount of fuel for a turbocharged engine. The pressure seems not to rise an issue, from what I have seen using a baro sensor in my bike, the algorithm looks quite robust, but it's all a matter of good calibration. It's a real pity I can't increase the wire speed used for communications, as I did with a DDFI-2, which in sequence resulted in 25 queries per second instead of 7, what we get now.

Well, you could use a WB sensor as a pseudo NB with the switch point at lambda 1.1 and reduce the delay in Open Loop Learn reaction time.

If the throttle is wide open all the time, a simple logger could be used, you only need engine speed and lambda sensor voltage.

Author:  battyone [ 30 Oct 2012 18:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: Big thanks to Albert and Gunter

gunter wrote:
... as long as I am allowed to go on bugging the doc with dumb questions ... :yup:

I suppose, one of the main problems will be to provide the right amount of fuel for a turbocharged engine. The pressure seems not to rise an issue, from what I have seen using a baro sensor in my bike, the algorithm looks quite robust, but it's all a matter of good calibration. It's a real pity I can't increase the wire speed used for communications, as I did with a DDFI-2, which in sequence resulted in 25 queries per second instead of 7, what we get now.

One answer will be shower heads with a separate regulated fuel supply- referenced to boost pressure.And I've been reading your airbox thread with great interest. Looks like there will be no issue with swapping out the baro sensor for a 2bar bosch.

Drag racing is reasonably crude, as long as the bike starts and idles easily,then goes ok at wot,it's sorted-almost.

Thanks Gunter as I've told you before your assistance is priceless,hopefully the few eeproms I've burnt for other 1125 owners is a little bit of payback.

Author:  battyone [ 30 Oct 2012 18:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Big thanks to Albert and Gunter

albert666 wrote:
will catch up soon nige :yup:

:yup: you know where we are,if you can drag yourself away from that SP1 :D

Author:  kevmean [ 30 Oct 2012 19:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: Big thanks to Albert and Gunter

battyone wrote:
albert666 wrote:
will catch up soon nige :yup:

:yup: you know where we are,if you can drag yourself away from that SP1 :D

You couldn't help yourself could you Nige ;)
I guess Alan will reply if he's not too exhausted ;)

Author:  battyone [ 30 Oct 2012 19:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Big thanks to Albert and Gunter

kevmean wrote:
battyone wrote:
albert666 wrote:
will catch up soon nige :yup:

:yup: you know where we are,if you can drag yourself away from that SP1 :D

You couldn't help yourself could you Nige ;)
I guess Alan will reply if he's not too exhausted ;)

:coat: :worthy:

Author:  Adam [ 30 Oct 2012 19:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Big thanks to Albert and Gunter

I understand less than 1% of all this tech speak, but I find reading about it fascinating 8-) :worthy:

Good luck Batty and keep us informed :yup:

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