UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

X1 headache need help please
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Author:  majormac [ 08 Feb 2013 00:27 ]
Post subject:  X1 headache need help please

Hi chaps and chapesses

Well, just say hi first, been a while since I last visited so hope you all had a pleasant chrimble and your New Years are going how you'd planned, so to my problem, rode my X1 for the last time before parking it up at the end of November at which point it was running fine, parked it in the house as usual and plugged it into the optimate, last weekend it was lovely and sunny in my neck of the woods so as you do I pulled the X1 out onto the drive got me warm togs on and hit the start button, fired the old boy up ran for about 2 - 3 seconds and stopped so I tried again, been in hibernation for a while so thought nothing of it, same again started and then stopped and that's as much as I've been able to get it to do all week up to this point in play, jobs I've carried out so far to try and sort it include . . . . . . . . .

New plugs.
New relays.
Pull clean and WD40 "every" plug i could find on the bike including ecu black and grey sockets and fuses.
Remove and clean all earth points.
Check for fuel at throttle bodies, fuel is present at prime and 2 months old so still good, pressure has not been tested at this point but it seemed good, gauge is on its way :)
Battery is holding 12.8 solid and turns the bike over strongly for quite a few attempts before power fades and turning ceases.

I really need to do TPS reset to eliminate that but need to buy an ecm spy cable, if anybody has one for sale I'd like to buy it please, fingers crossed ;)
On ignition I get the regular 4 sec management light and out so not showing fault to my knowledge.
My bike is running a race ecu if that makes any difference, can't see it but worth mentioning.

Know, just this week I've had to swap out an internal fuel filter on a Ducati 916 as it had become so clogged with filth it blew the bottom out of the filter and was just pumping the fuel straight out of the bottom of the filter and back into the tank so im wondering if this could be the probem with my X1.
I know there's an inline filter in the fuel line before it gets to the injectors but is there a filter inside the tank that could cause a drop in pressure if its either dirty or corroded/collapsed due to ethanol erosion, I know this is becoming a serious problem with both plastic and rubber components failing so much so that a group of Americans have launched a class action against certain petro chemical corp's.

As always any and all help will be greatly appreciated.

Majormac ;)

Author:  Maz [ 08 Feb 2013 00:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: X1 headache need help please



Author:  pash [ 08 Feb 2013 05:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: X1 headache need help please

Cables here


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