UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

Oil leak in swing arm weld. 2006 XB12Scg
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Author:  PeteJ [ 08 Jul 2013 21:51 ]
Post subject:  Oil leak in swing arm weld. 2006 XB12Scg

Pulled into Loomiess cafe on the A32 / A272 junction yesterday. Oil all over rear tyre. Had RAC pick up the bike and me and repatriate me go my home.
Took the rear wheel off thus morning to find a 2 inch long crack in the swing arm welded join I front of the rear tyre.
The weld looks like it stopped and restarted and this is exactly where the leak starts.
Do you think I have a rats ass chance of getting HD to replace the swing arm it's got go be a manufactuting fault.
With the oil in the fracture do you think welding the fracture is an option?

Author:  Maz [ 08 Jul 2013 21:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Oil leak in swing arm weld. 2006 XB12Scg

I've seen this loadsa times....did you get a new tyre recently ?

Author:  kevmean [ 08 Jul 2013 22:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Oil leak in swing arm weld. 2006 XB12Scg

I bet it's a case of a seized wheel spindle at some point that has jacked the arm apart causing the crack always ratchet strap the arm together if you have a seized spindle before trying to free it ;)

Author:  Maz [ 08 Jul 2013 22:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Oil leak in swing arm weld. 2006 XB12Scg

Exactly..... but a ratchet strap dont cut the mustard :roll:

Author:  PeteJ [ 09 Jul 2013 03:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: Oil leak in swing arm weld. 2006 XB12Scg

Bike hasn't been used much last year. Rear tyre was replaced two years ago. Spindle then came out with no issue. Rear wheel bearings did get replaced about same time as original ones did fail.
Is this type of fracture of the weld in the swing arm repairable by welding? There's no way I could clean up that fracture to get rid of any oil that would contaminate the new weld.
Or am I looking at a new swing arm to be fitted - now that's going to be prohibitively expensive - ouch.

Any one know if Tubs is at Criescent or at MooreSpeed ?

Author:  Ash [ 09 Jul 2013 08:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Oil leak in swing arm weld. 2006 XB12Scg

Tubbs is at the Verwood branch ... erwood.asp

Author:  PeteJ [ 09 Jul 2013 09:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: Oil leak in swing arm weld. 2006 XB12Scg

Ash wrote:

thanks Ash

Author:  sportster_mann [ 09 Jul 2013 10:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Oil leak in swing arm weld. 2006 XB12Scg

If you need one there's a few second hand ones on EBay - ... g&_sacat=0

Odd there seems to be quite a few from Italy - you may be able to negotiate a better price !

Author:  PeteJ [ 10 Jul 2013 00:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Oil leak in swing arm weld. 2006 XB12Scg

Strange so many are available from Italy. Is there a Buell graveyard in Italy? Thanks for the FleaBay link.

Anyways, I have had a chat with Guildford Harley Davidson and they have approached HD head office in UK. Harley are prepared to offer me a considerable rebate on the purchase of a new Swing Arm.
Now I need to figure out what other parts I need to order as well as the actual swing arm. Possibly the bearings and the bearings spacer bar might be needed too.
I will chat with HD tomorrow and see what we can sort out. Things are not looking as bleak as they did on Sunday afternoon when the bike was surrounded by a pool of oil.

A picture of the fractured weld.

Author:  kevmean [ 10 Jul 2013 00:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Oil leak in swing arm weld. 2006 XB12Scg

:yup: lets hope they come up trumps for you Pete 8-)

Author:  pash [ 18 Jul 2013 16:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Oil leak in swing arm weld. 2006 XB12Scg ... 1241520792

Author:  PeteJ [ 12 Sep 2013 08:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Oil leak in swing arm weld. 2006 XB12Scg

Yesterday I picked up my bike from Crescent in Verwood. Tubs has installed the new swing arm, replaced front and rear wheel bearings and fully serviced the bike. Thank you Tubs and Crescent the bike is back up and running.
Also thanks to Guildford HD as they supplied all the parts for the swing arm replacement at cost price plus VAT. HD UK also gave me half the unit cost of the swing arm so thanks for that discretionary discount.
Think I will go out for a reaquaintance ride on the Buell once this monsoonal rain stops.

Author:  pash [ 12 Sep 2013 08:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Oil leak in swing arm weld. 2006 XB12Scg


Author:  x1glider [ 12 Sep 2013 15:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: Oil leak in swing arm weld. 2006 XB12Scg

Surprised you made out like you did for a 7 year old bike. And that parts were available at all much less so quickly. 8-)

Had a chat with the service manager at my local stealer about a week ago and they have zero Buell parts on the shelf that aren't shared with the Sporty. Said they cleaned the shelves off 1 year after Buell's doors were closed.

Author:  PeteJ [ 13 Sep 2013 09:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Oil leak in swing arm weld. 2006 XB12Scg

x1glider wrote:
Surprised you made out like you did for a 7 year old bike. And that parts were available at all much less so quickly. 8-)

Had a chat with the service manager at my local stealer about a week ago and they have zero Buell parts on the shelf that aren't shared with the Sporty. Said they cleaned the shelves off 1 year after Buell's doors were closed.

I like to think that HD wanted to keep me happy. That welded seam in the old swing arm was faulty. It shouldn't have passed inspection. The new arm has one continuous weld not like the overlapped weld on the failed swing arm weld. Also, by not making a profit on my misfortune, Guildford HD gain my respect.

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