UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

Buying an xb9r advice??
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Author:  xb9rBob [ 29 Jun 2015 13:08 ]
Post subject:  Buying an xb9r advice??

Hi guys,

I must confess I do not own the xb9r yet!
Am hoping to have one asap though.

I've ridden bikes for years, all sorts from z1, vespa, vfr, gsxr - quite a few others!

What should I look out for if I go to look at a xb9r? Are there any key things to check?
Think I may have found one but it's an import - any major differences?

Thanks :-)

Author:  pash [ 29 Jun 2015 13:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Buying an xb9r advice??

Where are you located? If you are near Bristol you are welcome for a tea and a chat...

Author:  xb9rBob [ 29 Jun 2015 13:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Buying an xb9r advice??

pash wrote:
Where are you located? If you are near Bristol you are welcome for a tea and a chat...

Miles (and miles!) away I'm afraid!

Thank you though.

Author:  Maz [ 29 Jun 2015 13:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Buying an xb9r advice??

So where are you located ?......UK is not very helpful :headbang:

Author:  xb9rBob [ 29 Jun 2015 13:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Buying an xb9r advice??

Maz wrote:
So where are you located ?......UK is not very helpful :headbang:

ha ha, sorry - suffolk

Author:  pash [ 29 Jun 2015 13:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Buying an xb9r advice??

xb9rBob wrote:
pash wrote:
Where are you located? If you are near Bristol you are welcome for a tea and a chat...

Miles (and miles!) away I'm afraid!

Thank you though.


Author:  Nutah [ 30 Jun 2015 17:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: Buying an xb9r advice??

xb9rBob wrote:
Hi guys,

I must confess I do not own the xb9r yet!
Am hoping to have one asap though.

I've ridden bikes for years, all sorts from z1, vespa, vfr, gsxr - quite a few others!

What should I look out for if I go to look at a xb9r? Are there any key things to check?
Think I may have found one but it's an import - any major differences?

Thanks :-)

yeh it will be left hand drive lOl

check the obvious stuff service history overall condition etc.
wheel bearings
head bearings
has it got the grease nipple mod on the gearbox
has it a free spirits tensioner on the drive belt
is there play in the output shaft
has it a nice stainless after market can, (the manifolds are stainless)
the standard can is mild steel & will rot like a zombie in an acid bath :mrgreen:

how tall are you, as the riding position is a bit jap sportsbike
mine did my back in
you can get yoke conversion for flatter bars
XBS foot pegs fit & are an 1" lower
:eat: :yup:

Author:  captbarb [ 17 Jul 2015 09:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: Buying an xb9r advice??

I'm on the norfolk Suffolk border if you want to come round for a chat and a look at my xxb12r.

Author:  gusm2 [ 17 Jul 2015 18:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Buying an xb9r advice??

I think the best advice is......... DON'T :idea:

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