UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

Ventura rack. Lower footrests
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Author:  griff [ 04 Jul 2015 11:44 ]
Post subject:  Ventura rack. Lower footrests

Would like to get my S1 able to carry luggage and a bit comfier for a bit of touring. How easy is the Ventura rack to put on and take off? Anyone tried lowering footrests?

Author:  kevmean [ 04 Jul 2015 12:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Ventura rack. Lower footrests

The ventura system is fantastic stuff if a bit expensive , the racks themselves come off in seconds as you normally leave the side rails attached to the bike. they do a small rack , a pack rack that has the hoop for the bags to sit over or just a grab rail , these all interchange in seconds. The side rails are bolted to the bike but on my 1125 and the X1 they are not a major job to remove if you don't want to leave them on.

Author:  pash [ 04 Jul 2015 12:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Ventura rack. Lower footrests

I've got one I use when I tour on the S1. Taking off is a 30min job.

Author:  rik [ 04 Jul 2015 17:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: Ventura rack. Lower footrests

Lowering the footpegs? :? Surely you want to raise them?

Author:  griff [ 07 Jul 2015 20:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: Ventura rack. Lower footrests

raise them? I aint getting any younger but not ready to go down cruiser route just yet. Actually the riding position wasn't too bad but I just couldn't stop the old seat from giving me an uncomfy crotch. I even thought about getting rid of the Buell if I couldn't make it comfier, despite it being the most enjoyable bike I've had in 40 years of riding. So Corbin seat gives a flat base to sit on and different bars mean I can sit right back on the seat happily which gave me the thought maybe I could go on longer trips.
see this which inspired me a bit:

Author:  pash [ 07 Jul 2015 21:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: Ventura rack. Lower footrests

I have a corbin on mine and have no issue with comfort. Did the JoGLE trip wirh 500 miles per day.

Author:  Algarve Nick [ 15 Jul 2015 20:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Ventura rack. Lower footrests

Ventura bike packs are brilliant. I bought one in 1996 for my BMW R1100GS. When I got the Buell, I used the bag without having to buy the frame. I just stuck it over the Triple Tail. 62L carrying capacity. Add a small tank bag, and there's no need for unwieldy panniers.

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