UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

Exhaust port gaskets
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Author:  mushroom [ 04 Jul 2015 12:26 ]
Post subject:  Exhaust port gaskets

Hi, I am refitting the exhaust on my X1, I have new exhaust port gaskets, is there a knack for fitting these? They are too tight just to fit in, I assume I just gently & evenly tap around until they fit, hopefully without crushing them.

Author:  edd [ 04 Jul 2015 12:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Exhaust port gaskets

Maz fitted mine during rebuild. Gauze was neatly pressed back, but mostly around side wall of port and in a mirror image of header pipe shape. Maybe the header formed the tool for this? I couldn't see what happened as headers were tightened into the ports. :?

Author:  edd [ 04 Jul 2015 12:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: Exhaust port gaskets

Assuming XBs are similar that is ;)

Author:  pash [ 04 Jul 2015 12:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: Exhaust port gaskets

Clean the exhaust port bore where the gasket will go. I put copa slip in and I copa slip the gasket, then push in with fingers carefully working my way around.

You could also put the gasket in the freezer then push in, never tried it but I would if I was struggling...

Author:  mushroom [ 04 Jul 2015 12:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Exhaust port gaskets

Thank you both,

I would not have thought copperslip would be required, this is why I ask, if I dont ask I dont learn :)

Author:  pash [ 04 Jul 2015 13:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Exhaust port gaskets

It probably isn't but gives me confidence that it will come out when I want to replace it...

Author:  mushroom [ 04 Jul 2015 16:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Exhaust port gaskets

Exhaust port gaskets are now in, exhaust is back on, I read the book for torque settings for bolts. snapped the exhaust clamp bolt, could have been worse. It felt too tight but i kept going as it had not reached the setting, I should have trusted my gut feeling. I am pleased it wasnt anything other than the clamp.

Author:  pash [ 04 Jul 2015 16:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Exhaust port gaskets

How did you do it?

Author:  edd [ 04 Jul 2015 18:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Exhaust port gaskets

I'm beginning to have little faith in the torque set figures. For 8mm bolts into alloy I don't go over 18 ftlbs and squirm at the thought of 48 lbs for the front isolator bolts. Are we sure it wasn't a 38 ftlb typo? Copper slip also seems to allow more bolt stretch, but some say friction makes no difference. :? Gut feelings, what they say here and specs then split the diff, dig into my memory of other bikes, and add a wee bit if it feels right! ;)

Author:  mushroom [ 05 Jul 2015 17:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Exhaust port gaskets

Pash, the front went in with finger pressure, the rear was tighter, a bit of 2x2 about 3 inches long to apply even pressure, the gasket did wrinkle a little bit. I thought the front was going to give trouble as that was corroded around the circumference.

Edd, I need to practice more to trust my instincts. The trouble with being a novice is relying on theory rather than practice.

Author:  edd [ 06 Jul 2015 18:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Exhaust port gaskets

I'm still just a paranoid semi-senile-novice mushroom, but I recall a caution on here about torque wrenches and accidentally following through after they reach the specified load (was that you pash?).

I would like to get an old blown engine and deliberately wind a few threads to destruction in stages just to get a feel for it! lOl

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