UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

Grease nipple mod - missing
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Author:  Greenfellers [ 14 Jul 2015 21:14 ]
Post subject:  Grease nipple mod - missing

OK, did a bike safe day with Hants police on Sunday and clocked up just over 100 miles all in.

Giving the the bike a clean as Sunday was a bit of a crappy day and decided while I was at it I would tidy up the poorly executed hole over the grease nipple so the bung would fit nicely.

Somewhat surprised to find when I removed the pulley cover to find I was looking at the end of the output shaft and said mod was gone.

It was fitted by a previous owner and having only had the XB six or so weeks this is the first time I have had the pulley cover off. Of course I don't know whether the mod was home made either.

I don't know how long this has been missing, it was certainly there when the bike was delivered as I checked having researched mods on here.

Anyone else come across this issue? and anyone close to the Emporium prepared to pick up and post a replacement for the appropriate reimbursement please?

Author:  DaveH [ 14 Jul 2015 21:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: Grease nipple mod - missing

I'll be calling at the emporium this saturday. I'll pick one up then. PM me your postal address before then and i'll get one on the way.

Author:  Greenfellers [ 14 Jul 2015 21:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Grease nipple mod - missing

PM sent, thanks.

Author:  pash [ 14 Jul 2015 22:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Grease nipple mod - missing

I'm happy to help too ;)

Author:  Greenfellers [ 15 Jul 2015 08:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Grease nipple mod - missing

pash wrote:
I'm happy to help too ;)

Thanks Pash, the Emporium must be a bit of a trek for you as it is for me.

Author:  barney [ 15 Jul 2015 08:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: Grease nipple mod - missing

The mod should be a tight fit in the output shaft.
If previous owner had filled down the disc or made one themselves that was not a tight fit , then overzealous greasing could jack out the disc .

Author:  Greenfellers [ 15 Jul 2015 08:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Grease nipple mod - missing

barney wrote:
The mod should be a tight fit in the output shaft.
If previous owner had filled down the disc or made one themselves that was not a tight fit , then overzealous greasing could jack out the disc .

Not a drop of grease present and little oil. My thought was the disc should be drifted in until flush with end of the shaft, otherwise it runs risk of being driven into the bearing.

I suspect this was just a poor fit for reasons I will never know.

Author:  Greenfellers [ 15 Jul 2015 10:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Grease nipple mod - missing

Greenfellers wrote:
pash wrote:
I'm happy to help too ;)

Thanks Pash, the Emporium must be a bit of a trek for you as it is for me.

Doh, I just made the connection Saturday is the 18th and all those that can will descend upon the Emporium, check me for stupid.. :oooops:

Author:  nickyb [ 16 Jul 2015 21:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Grease nipple mod - missing have PM!!

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