UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

Had a quick lunch time ride
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Author:  elsieem [ 22 Sep 2016 13:28 ]
Post subject:  Had a quick lunch time ride

I currently don't like my job, it has pain in the arse customers and unhelpful suppliers.
My colleagues rub me the wrong way (most of the time) and it feels laborious and unrewarding.
I had to pop out today at lunch, a flying visit to my brothers to drop of a birthday gift.
Now im not a great rider and i reckon when Maz gets his hands on my 'bolt he'll find a million and 1 things wrong with it.
But that hour out of work, riding at the pace i wanted to set, in relevantly mild sunny dry conditions has set me up a bloody treat!!!
im actually sat here smirking to myself.
Thank you Mr Buell

Author:  regcheeseman1 [ 22 Sep 2016 13:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Had a quick lunch time ride

Good feeling isn't it? we needed milk at work so I generously offered to go get it during lunch - it's warm and sunny and took me 40 minutes to get the milk. They could have walked to the shop in less time.


Author:  rik [ 22 Sep 2016 13:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Had a quick lunch time ride

regcheeseman1 wrote:
Good feeling isn't it? we needed milk at work so I generously offered to go get it during lunch - it's warm and sunny and took me 40 minutes to get the milk. They could have walked to the shop in less time.


...went out for milk, brought back yoghurt... lOl

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