UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

Phillip Island Classic 2018
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Author:  bikerbaker [ 29 Jan 2018 03:20 ]
Post subject:  Phillip Island Classic 2018

2nd visit this year for all 3 days.

This event is so informal and relaxed, definitely worth a visit if you are in the position to visit Oz. I'm spoilt by the fact that my son and daughter in law live in Victoria and are willing to put up with me for a couple of months at a time. This year Tim and I rode down, he on his Gladius and me on my latest purchase, a 1972 Honda CT90 Postie bike. Not quite a Bolt but fun nonetheless and destined to be my ride downunder.

Wore a Buell T shirt and instantly made new friends! Parked in the shade and a lady said "Nice T shirt!" She and her partner have 4 Buells between them and we spent quite a while chatting during which time we were given their names and number and an invite to visit. Which we will. Later, standing outside the Aussie team pits, one of the mechanics advanced on us and said "Anyone with a Buell T shirt is good by me" and shook my hand, he only had 2 Buells though.

Caught a glimpse of 3 XB's riding away from us, one had an absolutely massive rear tyre. Would have liked to see how that was done. And why too!

Anyway, as last year, the sound of the 1300cc Vincents did it for me. I don't do a lot of "fan type stuff" but got a few pics including Ago riding one of his ex works MVs.

Tim and Tina have now bought a nice camper so next year we may take our accommodation with us. :D

File comment: Very low res one of an Italian geezer (quoting Ian Dury).
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File comment: Tim and Hicky
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File comment: Clue, I'm the one who is not Cam Donald.
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File comment: Peter and Marg's Lightning, one of 4
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Author:  Kiwi [ 29 Jan 2018 05:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Phillip Island Classic 2018

Cool man! :yup:

Author:  CJ [ 29 Jan 2018 06:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: Phillip Island Classic 2018

Thanks for posting, it looks a brilliant event :P.....

Author:  bikerbaker [ 29 Jan 2018 06:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Phillip Island Classic 2018

CJ wrote:
Thanks for posting, it looks a brilliant event :P.....

It was. Should be on everyone's bucket list.

The couple with the 4 Buells also have Guzzis, one in the picture. Marg is a nurse and wears leather trousers with "The nurse" on the seat in Rossi style lettering. I wanted to take a pic but didn't want to ask her if I could photograph her arse! :D
Mind you, being Australian she would probably have laughed!

Author:  CJ [ 29 Jan 2018 07:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: Phillip Island Classic 2018

Buells and Guzzis, they've got good taste :D ....

If time and money allowed there's quite a few motorcycle events we'd like to attend in Australia and New Zealand. We would love to tour the South Island in NZ.

Author:  Ferris B [ 29 Jan 2018 23:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Phillip Island Classic 2018

Yes we managed it this year and although the Assies beat us it was a brilliant weekend. A good friend of ours is one of the mechanics for the british team.

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